


第9期A2版Keys:阅读理解1-4DBAB完形填空1-5 BDCAC6-10 DBACC 11-15ABDAC第9期A3版Keys:(One possible version,客观题除外)七选五1-5 DGFCE语法填空1.for2.Sold3.Centuries4.widely5.Although/Though/While6.be watered7.a8.innovative9.using10.will be读后续写Paragraph 1:Afier that day,my performance as a joker became more and more popular.I was called tovarious shows so I paid all my debts later.And I even bought a nice car for myself within a year.My life developed well just like the roses which grew outside the hospital gate.All of thishappened because of that boy in the wheelchair.It was the smile on his face that day that gave methe courage to ignore the daily worries and face the problems in my life in a positive manner.Paragraph 2:I decided to pay a visit to the boy once again.On a summer morning,I visited the hospital withsome toys and beautiful flowers for the boy.Seeing him in his room,I said,"You look muchbetter..”“Thank you.I remember you,,Mr.Joker,”the boy said joyfully.“Yourperformance that day really inspired me.It is the best one I have ever seen in my life."Hearinghis words,I felt even prouder.I never regret taking up the job as a joker.第9期A4版Keys:(One possible version)实例探究1.As I walked towards the track,the stands were filled with expectant faces,yet my mind wasfocused.2.Tiredness was starting to overcome me,and I had to fight back.小试牛刀Paragraph 1:I willed my arms and legs to keep moving and used every last bit of my strength in the last 20 m.Icrossed it,exhausted.I had finished.(节奏变换)As I stood there,staring up at the scoreboard and waiting for confirmation,I still couldn't helpthinking,.“What if I've been through all this,and missed out?”(悬念设置)Paragraph 2:I looked out at the fans,.who were waving flags and shouting with delight in the stands.(环境烘托