


She won a gold medal in the World MasterChampionships in Riccione,Italy at age 70.第二部分Training for a marathon helps you be more(A)24.Which of the following words can best第二部disciplined.When people train for their firstdescribe the author's teaching experience atmarathon,their diet usually improves,they makefirst?sure they get enough sleep,and they may even listenmore carefully to their doctor.图A.Challenging.B.Relaxing.The biggest problem with marathon training isC.Exciting.D.Boring.读that it may result in an injury.Most running injuriesare "overuse injuries"that result from the constant(不断的)repetition of the same movement.Nearly70percent of runners stop running because of an injury,but most can get back on the road quickly.In some第(D)25.Why did the author ride her motorcycle to第situations,though,the injury can last for years.Sports medicine expert Kara H.Browning部分work on the snowy day?部believes that most runners can get ready for amarathon within six months with little chance of aA.She was running late for work.long-term or disabling injury as long as they takeB.She enjoyed riding in the snow.proper actions."The key is to build up the running误C.She wanted to impress her students.distance(距离)bit by bit,”she says.Browning读stresses that those who want to run a marathonD.She had no other transportation choices.should start by running 15 to 20 miles a week for sixmonths to a year.Then they should increase theirdistance by no more than 10%each week.●第(A)26.What action did the old lady take after第All sports have their risks,and marathon runningseeing the author's accident?is no exception.But with a bit of self-control and分A.She helped move the motorcycle分careful training,the risks can be managed.And theB.She drove the author to the hospital.C.She asked the author to wait for help.result can be an achievement you'll remember with读pride for the rest of your lifeD.She quickly arranged for an ambulance.读摩感第(C)27.How did Aaron's behaviour change after the第(B)28.Why does the author mention Eve Pell?author returned to school with injuries?A.To introduce a famous marathoner.部分A.He fell in love with creative writing.B.He began acting out to get attention.勢B.To show the spiritual power of marathons.C.To prove marathons aren't just for the图C.He grew understanding towards the author.young.D.He became frightened of the author's读D.To explain hard work will pay off soonerinjuriesor later.⑧原c第Are you a regular(定期的)runner looking for anew challenge?Why not explore the world by setting第(B)29.What does the underlined wordyour sights on a marathon or half-marathon?“disciplined”in paragraph3mean?分For many,the biggest advantages of running amarathon are psychological(心理的).There's a high分A.Relaxed and peaceful.that comes from setting a challenging goal andB.Organised and controlled.meeting it.Marathoner Eve Pell has certainly feltC.Brave and adventurous.读that runner's high."To my mind,completing a读D.Confident and purposeful.marathon is one of the most powerful experiencesyou can have,"she says.Pell began running whenshe was in her mid-40s.