


第二节(满分25分.)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。I was brought up in a really strict Catholic(天主教的)family.It was just expectedthat we would go to church every Sunday and that we would"keep the faith Catholicism"asmy parents received it.I never bothered to oppose religion as many of my friends did.Forsome reason I couldn't quite express myself to my parent's disappointment.My parents and I never really saw eye to eye about anything.When I was youngerit was just the simple thing-the length of my skirt,how I chose to wear my hair or themovies I wanted to watch.But as I got older I found that there was a lot more that wedidn't agree on-my choice of friends,what I wanted to study at university,or how Ichose to spend my weekends.woyngI left home at 17 to study at a university in another gity.Moving away from hometotally broadened my outlook on the world and changed my opinion on lots of issues.Over the past two years I've met the most amazing people with the most extraordinarilydiverse experiences.My circle of friends includes people with different religions,beliefs,values,cultures and different ways of apRrg life.I've learnt to qestiorwhat I've been taught and disagree just because that is what "verybady lseThe first coupe of times I went home to visit my parent it really hardUsucceed in dealing with being able to express my opinions as freely as-I did when I wasaway from home.My mum didn't necessarily agree with my upfront attitude to lifeWhile I was always out there trying to get people to take me and my beliefs and opinionsseriously,her attitude was "whyfhy not go with the fashion?"It was reallyannoying.I used to get really upset,for my parents didn't agree with what I was doing.How did I'deal with the situation?注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;comfiden2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Gradually I understood some key words:communicate with parents as often aspossible.wYongThe next key words were to respect with each other.Vecation.高一英语试卷第10页(共10页)