


公(B)39.What do we know about Little Penguins fromMany people love pandas very much because theythe first paragraph(段落)?look(49)_cute.But few(很少)of them want toA.They are big animals.work as a panda keeper.Why?B.They are in danger when foxes come.Li Zixiao works at a(50)zoo.Every day,heC.Their life on Middle Island is so easy.gets up at 5:30 am and brings bamboos to the pandas.)40.What does the underlined word“declines”Then he (51)cleans the pandas'rooms.At themean in Chinese?same time,he needs to observe the pandas'A.标记B.遗失C.减少feces to make sure they are(52healthyAtnight,he has to look after the pandas,too.So it's not(53)easy to be a panda keeper.g(O41.What does the second paragraph talk about?EA.How Marsh helps the Maremma dog.54.How does Gabe go to the aquarium?B.When the foxes come to Middle Island.By bus./He goes there by bus./..C.How Marsh has the idea of how to save thepenguins.55.What can't the students do in the aquarium?(A)42.How do the Maremma dogs help save the penguins?They can't run around,be noisy or give food to①They bark at the fox.②They fight with the fox.the sea animals in it./..3They watch the penguins.4They give food to the fox56.What does Gabe think of the world under the sea?A.①②③B.①②④C.②③④Very beautiful./..C43.What is the best title(标题)?A.Foxes,dangerous animalsB.Little Penguins are very cuteC.Dogs help save Little Penguins心CScooter is a seven-year-old dog.(44)A There is57.Why is it important to clean up the beach?Because the dirty beach is not good for seano hair on his body.And he has white hair on his head.animals.Because the dirty beach can putHis tongue(舌头)always comes out of his mouth.sea animals in danger./..Scooter can't walk like other dogs.He walks onlyon his two front(前面的)legs.(45)_D So one man58.What is the best subtitle(小标题)for▲?gives Scooter a thing to help him walk.(46)CTell more people about saving sea animals /..59.What else(其他的)can you do to save seaA.He isn't cute or beautiful.B.Where does he come from?animals?C.With it,Scooter can walk quickly.I can tell more people not to pour (dirtyD.But walking on his front legs is difficultwater into the sea./I can tell more people notE.It wants to help more dogs find a loving home.to kill sea animals./..F.She says Scooter is friendly to other dogsScooter's looks make him the 2023 World's八.词语运用Ugliest(最丑的)Dog.The name of the contest(比赛)doesn't sound very nice,but it isn't aboutHow much do you know about koalas?Just likemaking fun of ugly dogs.(47)E Scooter is one ofthis one in the picture,koalas are cute animals.them.They (60)are about 60-85 cm long.They likeAfter the contest,Linda Elmquist takes Scootersleeping a lot and they often sleep for about twentyhome.(48)F And he is also nice to people.hours a day.A.He isn't cute or beautiful.Koalas live in trees and eat eucalyptus leaves(B.Where does he come from?树叶).But you know what?Many koalas have noC.With it,Scooter can walk quickly.place to live and no food to eat now,(61)becauseD.But walking on his front legs is difficult.E.It wants to help more dogs find a loving homepeople cut down lots of trees every year.F.She says Scooter is friendly to other dogsRoss Smith,a woman from the contest,tells peopleToday koalas are(62)ingreat danger.not to only think about the looks of dogs.Lots of themThe number of koalas is less than(少于)58,000.are really nice.So they need a good and loving homeSome people think we can't see koalas after 2050if we don't help to (63)savekoalas.SoA.He isn't cute or beautiful.B.Where does he come from?Bangalow Koalas,,a conservation group(保护组织)C.With it,Scooter can walk quickly.in Australia,makes tree corridors(走廊)in theD.But walking on his front legs is difficult.Northern Rivers region of New South Wales*.E.It wants to help more dogs find a loving home.F.She says Scooter is friendly to other dogs.3