

第33期测试题听力原文Text 1W:Good morning.What's the matter,sir?M:Good morning.I've been experiencing toothache for a week.W:I see.Let me have a look.Text2M:Hello,this is the delivery man.There is no house number in the address of your order.W:I'm sorry.I'm not at home.My house number is 2001.Could you please leave the delivery atthe front desk of the building?M:OK.Text3W:I've been avoiding sweet'or high-fat food to lose weight.M:Hmm,it seems like it's working well for you.Your body shape has changed a lot.Text 4W:Could you please give me a cup of hot water?I feel a little cold.M:Sure,please wait a moment.Maybe I can turn off the air conditioner for you.W:That will be great.Thanks.M:You're welcome.Text 5W:Could you help me fix my washing machine tomorrow morning?M:I'd love to,but I will be volunteering in an animal rescue center at that time.How abouttomorrow afternoon?W:OK.Thank youText 6M:It seems like you're always busy.W:Yes.To satisfy various diners,I'm trying to make some delicious food with different cookingskills.I like cooking,you know.M:It's good to know that you've turned your interest into a job.You must have a sense ofachievement.