


第二节阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are a 1,600-成一篇完整的短文。year-old UNESCO world heritage site.The idea ofIn our family,we have four members:my语言运digitalizing Dunhuang was first put forward写parents,my elder sister and myself.And now,my44 in/during the late 1980s.The years that followedbeloved sister doesn't live with us.She's in herhave seen 45_impressive(impress)progress andhusband's house far away from ours,because she gotvarious successes in digital preservation.married last year.I still remember the day when my sister told usthat she was getting married.She looked very happy.My parents were happy for her.I should have been厚happy for her,but somehow I felt a little sad.The following days,my parents were crazily三第一节busy with the preparation for the wedding.The写假定你是学生会主席,学生会要举办一场中excitement and hustle and bustle(忙碌)of国山水画展览。请根据以下要点写一则通知,发写preparing for the wedding left me with no time for布在校英语网站上:the sadness I was feeling inside.1.展览的时间地点;On the day of her marriage,we were very2.展览的具体内容。happy..The bridegroor(新郎)was a well-mannered注意:person.We liked him very much.But I felt a sort of1.写作词数应为80个左右;jealousy(嫉妒)towards him,because he was the2.请按以下格式作答。man who would take my beloved sister away from参考词汇:展览exhibitionme.Anyhow,the marriage ceremony(仪式)passed off三very peacefully and happily.The guests admired thefood and also the good match of the newly-weddedNoticecouple.Finally,it was time for my sister to leave us and写作drive towards her own house-the house of her作husband.I was deeply shocked.The sadness came backMy sister and I grew up together.She alwayslooked after me carefully,there being a gap of aboutseven years in our age.I love her.So the separationwould hurt my feelings heavily.I felt sad.But I didn'twant to express it.I behaved to show I was alright,andI kept a distance from my sister whom I was going tomiss within a few hours.感三第一节Everyone in the house,including our relatives写【写作提示】was busy getting her ready for the journey.But I1.本题要求写一则通知,通知学生会将举办写couldn't help hiding myself in the corner of my一场山水画展览,故人称以第一人称和第二人称bedroom,struggling to hold back my tears.为主;时态以一般将来时为主。注意:2.分段内容:第一段介绍展览的目的以及时1.续写词数应为150个左右:间地点;第二段说明展览的具体内容;第三段阐2.请按如下格式作答。述展览的意义并欢迎大家参加。⑧One possible versionNotice参考答案To enrich our school life and let us get to know theThey looked for me everywhere.art of Chinese landscape painting better,an exhibitionwill be held at 3 pm next Sunday in our school hall.We will have a chance to appreciate some写作landscape masterpieces.You can surf online to learnmore about your favorite artists ahead of time so thatFinally,a month later,my sister and heryou can better enjoy their artworks.husband came to see us.This exhibition will help us learn to value our ownart and culture.Everyone will be welcome.The Students'Union10