


《双语学习报》2023-2024学年高考版新高考强化版第15期测试题参考答案及部分解析第15期测试题参考答案1-5 CABBA6-10 CBCAB11-15 ABCAB16-20 BCACB21-25 BBACD.26-30 CBBDC31-35 DCDAD36-40 DFGEA41-45 ACADC46-50 BDCAB51-55 DABAB56-65(One possible version)56.Gathering57.to show58.passed59.merrily60.which61.from62.original63.and64.wisdom65.will be valued写作(One possible version)第一节My Favorite Chinese WriterAs an enthusiast of Chinese literature,I have read works written by many writers,among whomI admire Lu Yao the most.Born in Shaanxi Province,Lu Yao is one of the most outstanding writers in China.He beganwriting novels during his college years and he is best-known for his novels Life and OrdinaryWorld.The latter has won the Mao Dun Literature Prize.As a realistic novelist,Lu Yao vividly described a changing China in his works,reflecting notonly the social changes in Chinese urban and rural areas but also the joys and sorrows of people.What's more,it is his struggling spirit that has been inspiring me and many other readers.第二节Paragraph 1:Laura's heart,however,was still racing and she decided to find out what was wrong with Allie.So Laura waited for Allie's lessons to end,and when she saw the girl leaving,she decided tofollow her.Laura drove and followed Allie till she stopped at a house with a small garden.Themoment Laura saw Allie enter and then hold a pair of scissors to cut the rose branches withoutwearing gloves,she jumped out of her car and approached Allie.She asked,"Why were youworking in the garden right after returning from school?"Paragraph 2:After talking with Allie,Laura learned the poor girl's finger injuries came from tending theroses in the garden and that Allie and her grandpa made a living by selling them.Laura wassympathetic to her,so she decided to help Allie and her grandpa.She began visiting them often,spending weekends with them,and helping tend their garden.Later,she hosted an exhibition ofthe photographs she'd taken in Allie's garden.During the exhibition,Laura's photos and Allie'sstory drew the attention of a wealthy businessman.He offered Laura a job as a photographer andpromised to help Allie.Allie and her grandpa had a much better life,all thanks to Laura.第15期测试题部分答案解析阅读理解导语:本文是一篇说明文,属于“人与社会”主题语境。文章介绍了四个大学研究项目。2l.B。理解具体信息。根据Program A部分的UCL doctoral students have the opportunity toconduct research at Yale University..可知,该项目是两所大学之间的交流。22.B。理解具体信息。根据Program B部分的Students should apply for the program early tosecure places in preferred projects.可知,学生需尽早提交申请。