


听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。④Text 8第17.What do we know about Mike Dank?M:Do you have time to go shopping with me after work?第A.He studied engineering in PhiladelphiaW:Sure.What do you want to buy?B.He leads a life without a mobile phone.M:I don't know.I'm going to have a white elephant giftHe got interested in pay phones at a young age.努exchange at my office party.Have you ever taken part18.Where was the first pay phone put to use?in it in your company?分A.In a bank.B.At a library.At a bookstoreW:Yes,and it was fun.19.What difficulty do Dank and his team have now?M:Is it like we give each other gifts at Christmas?(10)A.The pay phones don't work well.听W:No,it's not like giving gifts to friends.(10)For the white听They don't have enough pay phones.elephant gift exchange,each person brings a wrappedC.People don't accept their pay phones.gift to the party which will be numbered in turn.Then20.Why does Dank want to bring back pay phones?To help those in need.the gifts will be piled on the table.Each person pickpB.To start his own company.a gift randomly,and then opens the gift immediatelyC.To fulfill his childhood dream.Text 10第第These days,it's hard to imagine life without aM:It sounds interesting.But I don't know what giftmobile phone.But remember public pay phones?to bring.Mike Dank,an engineer from Philadelphia,the US.努W:Fun or strange gifts usually work well.(12)is doing his part to bring them back from nearM:So the goal is not to get a useful gift?extinction.Dank has loved old pay phones since heW:Actually,the goal is to entertain and amuse thewas a teenager.(17)In summer 2021,Dank and his听people who participate in it.听friend Naveen Albert started a phone project toM:I see.力install free pay phones in Philadelphia.They knew alittle about setting up telephone software.So theyfigured out how to take old pay phones and gotthem up to date to use in a modern setting.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。第13.What does the woman want?A.A one-bedroom apartment.第Last December,their first pay phone went live at abookstore and was well received.(18)Dozens of peopleA two-bedroom apartment.Two one-bedroom apartments.actually attended the event to witness the first call.14.Why does the woman want to move in this weekend?Everybody who was there was playing with the phone分A.She will travel to London next week.分pretty much all night.They're now asking for donatedB.She wants to study for her test here.phones and other equipment to install more pay phonesShe needs to work nearby next week.听15.How much rent will the woman and Lisa pay?听throughout the city and to support people in theirA.$1,000.9$5,400.C.$6,000.community.(19)By doing so,Dank hopes that those pay16.What are the speakers mainly talking about?phones could be of help to more people who may needRenting an apartment.them,such as those who can't afford a mobile phoneB.Buying an apartment.(20)C.Decorating an apartment.第Text 9W:Excuse me,I want to rent the apartment you第advertised online.(16)Looking at the pictures,I部分think the decoration is very good.M:Fine.First I need to ask you a few questions.努21.Which toy is helpful in understanding cause andeffect?Do you like playing music loudly every night?A.Galt Toys Rainbow Lab.W:No.I have to study for my test in the evening.And I don't have a pet.Logiblocs Smart CircuitC.Botzees Coding Robotics.力M:Good.Are you going to live alone?读D.Science Museum Dual Power Solar SystemW:I plan to share the apartment with my classmate⑧Lisa.Does your apartment have two bedroom单M:We have two one-bedroom apartments and a two-第bedroom apartment for rent.So you just want to rent22.What do we know about Science Museum Dualthe two-bedroom one,right?(13)第Power Solar System?W:Yes.(13)We want to move in this weekend.I'll beA.It can release some energy.working at the TV station nearby from next Monday.B.It is only available outdoors分(14)Lisa also wants to move her things in this分C.It must be charged before use.weekend,so she can go on holiday to London nextIt involves some knowledge of the planets.week.听23.What do the four toys have in common?M:Sure.You can move in whenever you want.A.They all need parents'assistance.力W:That's good.How much is the rent?读B.They are all equipped with batteries.M:$1,000 a month.If you rent it for six months ormore,I can give you a 10%discount.(15)They all focus on kids'hands-on skills.W:We'd like to rent it for half a year.(15)D.They are all targeted at kids of the same