


答案详解:听力原文Text 1W:Oh no!I left my bag in the library when I returned my books!(1)M:Just call the librarian and get someone to keep it safe.Help me find my car key,please.I'lldrive there now.Text 2W:I've found a video of us when we were kids in our old summer house.It was when wetied those balloons to Dad's car,and he drove the car to work!(2)M:I remember that!We laughed so much!Text 3W:Do you have anything to buy?M:I want a camera for myself and a dress for you.W:Oh,that's sweet.And remember to get our daughter a doll.We can give it to her as asurprise gift.(3)M:You're right.Text 4W:I've got something in my eye!I think the wind blew something in there.M:Hmm...Try moving your eye like this:look straight up,then look down again,andthen look from side to side.Does that help at all?(4)Text 5M:Look-that dish you love is on the menu.(5)Let me order this for you.You must behungry after the movie.W:Great!I'm going to ask them to serve it with rice instead of potatoes though.It tastes betterwith riceText 6W:Oh no!I've dropped coffee on my keyboard!(7)Quick,pass me something to clean it.M:Again?You really need to start putting your coffee somewhere else.(6)Here,use thisW:I know.I'm angry with myself.I hope I don't need to buy another keyboard.(7)I'veonly had this one for a few months.M:Tell you what,I'll go and make you another coffee and put it over there on the table acrossthe room.W:Ha-ha,very funny.Text 7M:Why are there so many different kinds of peanut butter?I just want some regular type!W:Do you want smooth peanut butter?M:No,I just want normal peanut butter.W:Well,you have to pick one.Look,they have salted and unsalted butter!I love salted butter.M:Many of the products in this grocery store are getting stranger and stranger.(8)W:I'm going to get you salted peanut butter,okay?M:Sounds good to me.W:What kind of ice cream do you want?They have strawberry,grape,and blueberry.(9)M:Strawberry,please.(9)第2页共6页