


第二节阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括One possible version:号内单词的正确形式。My role modelDespite being wheelchair-.bound(坐轮椅的)mostGood afternoon,evervone.部分of the time,Liu Wenyan has finished 56.a road tripI'm delighted to be here to share my role model with you.covering more than 15,000 kilometers.The trip from第四部分A disabled painter called Huang Guofu from Chongqing is myher home city of Shangqiu in central China's Henanrole model.语Province to Northwest China's Xinjiang UygurLosing both arms as a result of an electric shock at 4.Autonomous Region and back again took 31 daysHuang Guofu began practising painting with his mouth and feetLiu developed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS)old.After hard pratice.Huang Guofu's legs and(渐冻症)in20l5,but the condition did not prevent herfeet are now verandtin作are so wel-known9ve alady been someabroa用from 57.completing(complete)the journey with heIt is he that inspires me to be brave to face all theson Zhao Tianci,admiring 58.beautiful(beauty)challenges in my life.landseapes along the way and enjoying local food.(范文中的画线句子可作为佳句背诵)"It's a tiring journey,but my mom smiles all the第二节阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落并头语way,"says Zhao,59.who acted as driver and续写两段,使之构成篇完整的短文。videographer.Zhao recorded their heartwarming注意:二部分journey in a series of 60.videos(video)that he1.续写词数应为150左右部分2.请按如下格式作答。posted on the popular Chinese short-video streamingsite Douyin.语gladly nocDespite care and encouragement from her"All right.言运family,Liu was disappointed and 61.gradually(gradual)gave up her hobbies.She even lockedDad then spared time to用62.herself(she)up.A few months later,when作create a vegetablegardenZhao took his mom to a tourist attraction,Benny.she became noticeably more positive.【写作提示】第三部分As a consequence,he was committed to planning一年夏天,作者家的菜园被盗。邻居向他们透露,trips 63.for his mother.In June,2022,Zhao第四部分偷他们菜的是一个单身老人。作者的父亲经过思考,64.left (leave)his job,refitted his car's决定雇用老人看守菜园。根据续写第一段的首句可知passenger seat 65.to accommodate (accommodate)老人犹豫了一会儿,答应了。自此以后,他们的菜还语his mother's wheelchair and bought medicines and会丢失吗?老人来菜园工作后还发生了什么事情?续daily necessities.On June 10,after teaming up with写第二段的首句暗示老人还会有自己的菜园。老人是one of his friends and his mother's caregiver,they写不是喜欢上了种菜?第一段还应体现此内容。根据续left Shangqiu and headed for Xinjiang.作用写第二段的首句可知,作者的父亲为老人建了一个菜园。作者一家还为老人提供了哪些帮助?老人种的莱长势如何?作者对这件事作何感想?One possible version:第一节第四部分Hesitating a moment,he gladly nodded and smiled下周五,校英语社团将组织主题为My role"All right."Whether Benny slept most of the nightmodelf的交流活动。请你写一篇发言稿参加交流wasn't important.After that day,we didn't missvegetables any more.And each morning,after内容包括:第四部分breakfast,Benny followed us around in the garden and1.人物简介;gradually fell in love with gardening.He'd ask写2.主要事迹;questions like:"Why do you plant these carrots here?作3.成功启示。作Why are peas here growing faster than those over注意:写作词数应为80左右。there?"My parents patiently answered.One day,Dadsuggested helping him create a vegetable garden,whichmade him glad and grateful.第四部分Dad then spared time to create a vegetable第四部分【写作提示】garden for Benny.By the following spring,he had本写作要求你写一篇主题为My role modelf的发his garden spot,which was ready for planting.Thenmy parents gave him various seeds and he began his言稿。时态应以一般现在时和一般过去时为主。审gardening.One day when passing by,we found the题可知,第一段应说明你的榜样是谁;第二段介绍vegetables in his garden were growing very well.他/她的主要事迹;第三段介绍他她给你的成功启And he was so busy tending them that he didn't作示。作have time to guard our garden anymore.I wasproud of the new gardener and proud of myremarkable father.