


The researchers argue that students who are taught in these kinds of good classroomsPost-graduation,Ashe hopes to follow in Thys'footsteps to teach kids and the publicalso tend to experience an improved academic performance,scoring higher on attention orabout marine ecosystems."My dream job is to be a naturalist on the expeditions,"sheconcentration tests,and performing better in academic tests.However,they were not ablesays.“20to confirm or reject the claim that classrooms can influence the quality of teaching due to aA.The experience can be so transformative.lack of evidence.B.Ashe credits Thys for playing a key role in leading her pathC.The end goal is to make a positive impact on our marine world.In light of their findings,the researchers hope to inspire those involved in renovationD.Ashe took the advice,going on to spend five summers as a camper.(or new construction of school buildings in a bid to make better classrooms and moreE.She also met Tierney Thys,a marine biologist and National Geographic Explorer.productive environments.F.Thys says firs-thand exposure is key for developing a passion for the natural world.12.What is the main finding of the new study?G.Thinking back on her adventure in Baja,Ashe says the trip's snorkeling memories stand out.A.High-quality teaching is the key to test scores.第二部分:语言运用(共两节,满分30分)B.Most students are tired of the lengthy lectures.第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)C.Environment is related to the quality of teaching.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项D.Classroom conditions affect the quality of learning.As Norwood drove through St.Petersburg,Florida,the laughter from the four teen-age girls inside her car21 gave way to screams.They were hit by another car and13.Why does the author mention the example in Paragraph 3?22into a tree.A.To present a fact.B.To explain a research result.Then smoke 23 from the car.A bystander shouted,"It's about to 24C.To provide a solution.D.To make a conclusion.Get out!"Norwood immediately crawled out.Along with two of her friends,who'd also14.What does the underlined word "optimal"mean in Paragraph 4?managed to 25 themselves,she ran for her26A.Imaginary.B.Stuffy.C.Ideal.D.Identical.But halfway down the street,she realized that her best friend,Simmons,wasn't with15.Which of the following can best describe the researchers'expectation?them.Norwood ran back and found Simmons stuck in the back 27."She wasn'tA.Making a perfect test environment.28,Norwood told Inside Edition.She 29 open the back door and pulledher friend out.She dragged Simmons a few feet to safety and laid her on the 30.“B.Seeking more evidence for the study.checked her pulse and put my 31 against her chest."No sign of life."That's whenC.Improving college academic atmosphereI started CPR(心肺复苏术).”D.Creating better classroom environments.32 on the lawn and looking down at her dying friend,Norwood started第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)33Simmons's chest.She breathed into her friend's mouth in hopes of filling her lungs阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余with the 34 of life.Fortunately,Simmons began coughing and breathing for air.选项。Soon,paramedics(医务人员)arrived and rushed Simmons to hospital.When sheA young girl named Emily Ashe traveled to Baja California with her family,snorkelingheard how Norwood had saved her life,"I wasn't35,”Simmons said.“She al-(in the warm waters of the Sea of Cortez for the first time.16 Thys an-ways backs me up.”swered Emily's excited questions and admired Emily's shells,curious stones,and other21.A.increasinglyB.suddenlyC.frequentlyD.cautiously22.A.crashedB.pulledC.settledD.felltreasures from the beach-and helped plant the seeds of a future in marine biology.23.A.releasedB.roseC.castD.slidEmily Ashe is stable to become one of the world's newest marine scientists when she24.A.speed upB.run outC.wear outD.blow upgraduates this spring from Eckerd College in St.Petersburg,Florida.17 "Thys25.A.injureB.freeC.careD.controlwas such an inspirational person who was so passionate about the ocean,"Ashe says.26.A.libertyB.rescueC.lifeD.target18“There was a huge ball with pelicans(鹈鹕)diving in and sea lions swim-27.A.seatB.windowC.carD.handleming up from the bottom,"she says."Somehow I got into the middle of the excitement28.A.movingB.cryingC.breathingD.prayingwith everything swirling around me.It was a little chaotic for a 12-year-old,but it's still29.A.kickedB.pushedC.threwD.pressed30.A.groundB.doorC.bedone of the most incredible things I've gotten to experience underwater."D.tree31.A.mouthB.headC.heartD.shoulderAt that time,Thys recognized the new talented scientist's love for the ocean and sug-32.A.BendingB.LyingC.KneelingD.Standinggested she attend California's Catalina Sea Camp,which offers summer sessions for ocean-33.A.pettingB.squeezingC.pumpingD.clickingloving kids.19 She says the experience "opened so many doors."Through those34.A.thoughtB.methodC.struggleD.kissconnections she landed in the marine science program at Eckerd.35.A.touchedB.delightedC.honoredD.shocked英语试题(八)第5页(共8页)英语试题(八),第6页(共8页)