


1-5 CABAC6-10 BACCA11-15 BCCBC16-20 ABBAB21-25 CDBCB26-30 DCDAA31-35 DBDBD36-40 CADFG41-45 ADBCB46-50 DACBD51-55 ACABD56-60 ACDBC61.in62.becoming63.removed64.more65.trips66.to ensure67.was funded68.which69.himself70.the写作第一节短文改错71....which were from...which→who/that72..gives a speech…gives→gave73....to going all out ..going→go74....took part the...part后加in75....an excited race.excited-exciting76....were in high spirits.were→was77....cheered the runner...runner -runners78.Final,my classmate...Final→Finally79.…with a great joy…去掉a80....my congratulations...my -our第二节书面表达One possible version:Book Sharing InitiativeDear classmates,Our class is going to create a Classroom Reading Corner this month to provide a space where wecan enjoy the magic of a good book,which can help us develop good reading habits.For the purpose of increasing our active participation and taking full advantage of the bookswe've bought,it is strongly suggested that we donate some of our recommended books.Thesebooks could feature any theme that is suitable for our age.Preparing books with a good coverand our names on it would also encourage a better return in the future.Thanks!Class 3,Senior 2部分解析阅读理解第一节A篇主题语境:人与自我一一生活本文是应用文。文章介绍了四个适合带狗出行的短途旅行目的地。2I.C。理解具体信息。根据Bainland Lodge Retreats,Lincolnshire部分中的There are plenty of