


D22.How many credits should students attain to get aCulinary Business Management degree?32.Why did Claire Bowern create the map?阅读。.66.B.60.C.57.D.51阅读A.To clarify major language types.To relate languages to geography.23.What should students do in the applicationC.To publicize language development.process?D.To locate commonly used languages.A.They should submit applications by email.33.How did the researchers build their model?解B.They should write a recommendation letter.解By applying three reasonable assumptions.They should book a personal visit to theB.By studying ancient people's migration featurescampus.C.By marking locations according to populationD.They should start to apply in December 2023.density.D.By limiting the population's division within aggcertain area.B34.What can we learn from the last paragraph?The pattern may not apply to other places.24.What does the author mainly tell us in paragraph 1?A.His favorite work of fiction.阅B.Languages in Australia rank high in variety.C.Australia has complex geographical features.读理解B.An unforgettable experience.D.Rainfall levels cannot decide population densityHow he fell in love with readingD.Why kids seldom watch TV nowadays.理35.What is the text mainly about?A.How languages develop in different locations.25.What do we know about the place mentioned inB.What effect language diversity has on humans.paragraph 2?A.It lacked water due to droughts.Why languages are unevenly distributedIt was full of love and kindness.worldwide.C.It was suitable for adventure.D.What factor plays the biggest role in shapingD.It offered kids a carefree childhood.languages.第节根据短文There are many interesting airplane facts for you to learn.G3626.What did the author do after he returned home?One interesting fact belongs to the grammar field:Why is"airplanealsHe worked on a book.内阅spelled as“aeroplane?阅短文后You're likely familiar with the North American spelling of the wordB.He helped a homeless girl选项中选airplane".However,if you've ever been on an international flight headingC.He studied literature about the place.出能填入D.He decided to travel around the world.空白处的English-speaking country lke the UK.you ve probablynoit is spelled as"aeroplane"理27.What does the underlined phrase"this reality"理解最佳选A.And it was much better when spokenin the last paragraph refer to?项。选项A.Language中有两项B.When was“airplane”originally usedC.Are they sometimes regarded as different words为多余选B.Relation.D.It took a long time for the spelling difference to be accepted项。E.It has to do with the origins of many words in the English languageC.Cultural diversity.F.Obviously,it's spelled differently in American English and British EnglishUniversal similarities.G.Things like how high airplanes fly or how airplane Wi-Fi works mayattract youWhich is correct:airplane or aeroplane?Technically,both"airplane"and"aeroplane"are right since they're the same word spelled differentlyWhy is that,?Many English words com from ohe28.What suggests that Onyofi might have learned well-languages,like Latin,Greek and French.British English has a genera阅tendency to favor spellings and words similar to French,whereas Americandigging before?阅English often changes in the direction of seeming less French.A.Her way of digging.B39?It was reported that the first known use of the word"airplane"B.Her action of drinking.16.about three years afer the Wright brothers tookto the air o器.Her look of confidence.理with theD.Her attitude of relaxation.toilets and in-fight foodA.And it was much better when spoken29.What do researchers think of chimps'learning to digB When was "airplane"originally usedwells?C.Are theys regardedA.PredictableD.It took a long time for the spelling difference to be acceptedE.It has to do with the origins of many words in the English language.Reasonable.F.Obviously.it's spelled differently in American English and British EnglishC.Risky.G.Things like how high airplanes fly or how airplane Wi-Fi works maD.Easy.attract you30.Why does Peter feel happy about chimps'behavior ofHow did it change from“aeroplane”to“airplane'?There was lots ofwell-digging?history that went beyond words and dived deep into politics and science.It is good for chimps'survival.The word"aeroplane"was no exception.But as planes became moreB.It makes chimps healthy and strongC.It helps chimps know the benefits of wells.阅common things to talk about,the"aero"seemed too fancy.In ScientificD.It shows that chimps have developed their cognitiveAmerican in 1906,there was a claim that"airplane"was superior to“aeroplane'”.It was etymologically(语源上)good.A0_,Ten years理ability.later,"airplane"was adopted by the National Advisory Committee for31.Which can be a suitable title for the text?Aeronautics as their term.A.How animals adapt to water shortage in rainforestsA.And it was much better when spokenB.Onyofi-first chimp in rainforests found digging理解wellsmes regaC.Climate change forces animals to change theirDtme for the spelling diference to be acceptedbehaviorIt has to do with the origins of many words in the English languageF.Obviously,it's spelled differently in American English and British EnglisWith climate change,rainforest chimps learn to digG.Things like how high airplanes fly or how airplane Wi-Fi works mawellsattract you3