


第二节听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。④6-7AC芳美在报社6.What does the woman want to buy?EARNING ENGLISH听A.Some rice.B.Some chicken.九年级★河南第14期(第5-6版)C.Some vegetables.能力提升解7.How much does the woman need?小报(第四章第一节)A.Three kilos.B.Four kilosC.Five kilos.g第一节1-3 CCA听力材料:1.What will they do this afternoon?听力A.Visit a farm.B.Go biking.M:Can I help you,madam?C.Do some shopping.力W:Yes,I'd like to buy some rice.2.What does Mary think of her cat?解A.It's nice.B.It's old.解M:How much do you need?C.It's cute.W:Five kilos,please.3.How many bottles of milk will Emily buy?A.Five.B.TenC.Fifteeng听力材料:听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。1.W:Let's do some shopping this afternoon.8-9CAM:OK.What do we need?8.What is the man trying on?力2.M:Mary,you have a dog,right?力A.A jacket.B.A shirt.W:No,I have a cat.It's very cute.Do you want tosee its photos?C.Acoat.9.What color would the man like?3.M:Emily,can you go out to buy five bottles of解A.Black.B.Brownmilk?C.Blue.W:OK,Dad听力材料:第一节4-5BB听4.How much does the man need to pay(支付)?W:How do you like the coat,sir?A.¥10.B.¥12C.¥14.听M:It looks good on me,but I don't like the color.理W:We have it in other colors,like black,brown and5.Where are they?blue.A.In the library(图书馆),B.In a shop.解M:Great!I'd like to take a black one.C.At a restaurant.听力材料:听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12两个小题。4.M:I want to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of10-12ACA听milk.10.Who does Tina buy a dress for?W:Is that all?A.Her mother.B.Her sister.M:Yes.How much are they?听C.Her aunt.驛W:12 yuan,please.11.What color dress does Tina want to buy?A.A white one.5.W:May I help you,sir?B.A purple one.理C.A red one.M:Yes,please.I want to buy books about China.W:They are over there.12.How much is the dress?A.200 yuan.B.120 yuan.M:Thank you.C.80 yuan