


20.What can shoppers do at Lakeside after shopping?A.Have a meal and relax.B.Swim at Alexandra Lake.C.Sleep in the shopping center.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)游,8能答回,体保员下中第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B.C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ABest places to see wildlife in CanadaWhether youreee tothemyserousprit bear istothe ngof belugwhales,Canada's vared fofferoe of wildlifeadvente that are boundtompress you.So grab your cmera and set ou fora few of the best places to see Canada's incred-ible wildlife.Search for the mysterious spirit bears in the Great Bear Rainforest,British ColumbiaSpirit bears are one of the most special animals found in Canada.They are arare speciesprotected by Canada and can only be found in the Great Bear Rainforest,which is a remoteprotected area mainly accessible by boat.强01至81策舍回,件过明Listen to beluga whales sing in Churchill,ManitobaAbout 136,000 beluga whales can be found here in Canadian waters in the summer.Theyare white in color and are nicknamed the“canaries(金丝雀)of the sea”thanks to the soundsthey make,which are used to navigate.Spot a moose (or two at Algonquin Provincial Park,OntarioThe moose are one of the most-loved species in Canada,but are surprisingly difficult tofind in the wild.If you have your heart set on seeing a moose or two,head to Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario,where you might catch sight of them at dusk or dawn,especiallythe spring.Witness the monarch butterfly migration at Point Pelee National Park,OntarioEvery year thousands of monarch butterflies migrate from Canada to Mexico,where thspend the winter.One of the main points of this migration route is Point Pelee National Pain Ontario.Head there just before sunset or early in the morning for the best views.21.Which species is unique to Canada?的D3qpV1Bh2tAI9ob又d9A.Spirit bears.B.Beluga whales.C.Moose.D.Monarch butterflies.22.What time is it most probably to spot a moose?A.At dusk in the winterB.At dawn in the spring.C.At midday in the autumn.D.After sunset in the summer【高三英语第3页(共10页)】。23