


player in back brakes when needed.DItearned its name after competitors startedNotpla is a London-based firm thatswinging back and forth to speed up themakes a seaweed-based substitute for singleAlthough some ofsled.use plastic packaging.Bobsledding initially overtook skeletonNotpla's products are suitable to be eaten,sledding in popularity,becoming one of athey are designed to be dissolved(溶解)af密handful of sports played at the first Winterter usage.The company's film wrap is madeGames in 1924.The skeleton sledding wasof seaweed lining instead of a conventionlimited to the Cresta Run for decades be-plastic-based coating.This makes the filnecause other bob runs around the world werefully biodegradable and ideal for use as packnot built for the steel skeleton sled.But inaging for cupboard and bathroom suppliethe 1970s,adjustments were made to bothlike coffee and toilet paper.3the skeleton and bob runs in order to includeAccording to the United Nations,331the event at future winter games.million kilograms of plastic garbage is proe28.What can we infer about Raymond Flow-duced annually around the world.Roughly60%of the estimated 9.15 billion tons dA He is a writer.plastic produced since the early 1950s hasB.He is good at sledding.been taken to landfills or abandoned out3C.He invented the sledding race.doors.8c9月D.He set the first record of sledding.Plastics harm the water,the air,and29.How does skeleton sledding differ fromour bodies.Many experts agree that singlethe luge?use plastics are unnecessary and dangerous34。A.Skeleton sledding runs on metal run-Some governments and towns in the Unitedners.States have taken action.New York hasB.Skeleton sledding doesn't have backbanned most plastic shopping bags,whilebrakes.plastic(吸管)have been banne建33Riders on Skeleton sledding sled withMiami Beach.Overseas,India stated in Atheir feet.gust that体pla put a wide b合分s35D.Skeleton sledding needs players to liegle-use plastics this upcoming summer,withdown on it headfirst.the European Union already implementirg30.What limited the popularity of skeletonthis ban.sledding?Seaweed comes in a variety of specicsA.Its special shape.and can be harvested or farmed.Notpla use第B.Its steel runners.plants that have been farmed.RodrigC.Its speed.Garcid Gonzalez and Pierre Paslie,the irD.Its unsuitable adjustments.ventors of Notpla,initially considered se31.What can be the best title for the text?weed as a solution to the world's plast多线A Why is sledding so popular?problem for several reasons.SeaweedB.What are sledding adventures about?abundant and grows quickly.AdditionallyC.How did sledding develop in Switzer-it doesn't compete with land crops andplehighly favored for its ability to remove somconland?collD.How did people kill time in Northwaste products like carbon from the atmophere.bleAmerica?金卷仿真密卷(四)·英语第5页(共8页)23·J刀·FZ