202224期英语周报 答案


61 into 62 a63 strengthen64 Which65 passed66 balanced67 contributions68 reality69 more70 actually


【解题导语】本文为说明文,近年来璃床运动在中国年轻人中非常流行,成年人喜欢床是体验年的感觉,确床前需要进行热身,它是一个好的有氧适动32.B,本题答案定位至第二段,根据 but adults too have jumped on thetrend, hoping to relive their childhood.可知,成年人喜欢聯床是体验童年的感觉,故选B3D根据第四段 today' s trampoline parks are bigger, more professionaland more creative. There are separate zones for different functions可知,D正确,B选项的smle与文意相反,A和C未提及。34.B根据第六段段首 Indeed, a trampoline workout can be beneficial topeople' s health.可知B正确35.D根据第七段 You must do warm-up exercises before playing可知,蹦床前需要进行热身

202224期英语周报 答案

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