

A【语篇导读】这是一篇应用文。介绍了中国四个自行车旅行路线,包括最佳旅行时间、路况、注意事项以及沿途可以欣赏到什么21.A【解析】理解具体信息。根据 Around QinghaiLake部分的 The temperature difference between dayand night is huge, and the solar radiation during theday is strong昼夜温差大,白天太阳辐射强,和 ArouneHainan Island部分的 Prepare sun-protection measuresand raincoats, as well as protection against insects andmosquitos准备防晒措施和雨衣,以及预防昆虫和蚊子。可知,这两条线路的阳光都很强。故选A项。2.C【解析】理解具体信息。根据题目上的 Silk Road可定位到 Lanzhou→ Dunhuang部分。根据 The besttime to cycle is September-October, which is theharvest period for fruits, and cyclists can enjoy freshand inexpensive fruits.骑行的最佳时间是9月至10月,这是水果的收获期,骑行者可以享受新鲜便宜的水果。可知,最佳季节为秋季。故选C项。23.D【解析】作出判断推理。通读全文,查看每条线路的路况: Around Qinghai Lake部分的 This route iswhere the Qinghai Lake International Cycling Race isheld every July, and the road surface is excellent it xK路线是每年7月举行青海湖国际自行车赛的地方,路面非常好; Around Hainan Island部分的 The entireroute is at an average altitude of approximately 10meters, and it includes a few slopes整个路线的平均海高度约为10米,其中包括几处斜坡; Lanzhou→meters, and it includes a few slopes整个路线的平均海拔高度约为10米,其中包括几处斜坡; LanzhouDunhuang部分的 The mostly flat road is good forcycling平坦的道路适合骑自行车; Chengdu→ Yunnan部分的 Most sections of the road are winding andmountainous, and some sections are paved withsandstone. Cyclists need to prepare for hard cyclingand should have excellent riding skills before enjoyingthe magnificent natural scenery道路大部分路段蜿蜒多山,部分路段铺有砂岩。骑自行车的人在欣赏壮丽的自然风光之前,需要做好艰苦骑车的准备并且要有出色的骑行技能。通过比较可以看出来,从成都到云南这条线路多数路段蜿蜒曲折,崎岖不平,由此可推知,该路线最需要好的骑行技术。故选D项。



