



B24.A。根据第二段中的 this is actually the first time my whole family has come back to AnimalPlanet together, so it s pretty unusua可知,与以往不同的是,这次他们全家都参与节目的拍摄。25.C。根据第三段中的 as the memories you have of Dad start to fade, you can always look back atthe old footage镜头) and relive those special moments可知,John认为等以后对父亲的记忆变模糊时,这些镜头可以让他重拾对父亲的记忆26.A。根据最后一段中的 John participates in Distance Education, a program similar tohomeschooling k But I've actually got a classroom that's set up at Australia Zoo and a teacherthat travels with us wherever we go可知。27.B。根据最后一段中John所说的“ Im learning as much as I can about all of the animals and allof the work at Australia Zoo. I feel really honored to be following in Dad's footsteps. I lovecontinuing that work.”可知,他希望将来能够继承父亲的事业。再根据第二段中的 Steveowned and ran the zoo before he died in2006.可知,John希望自己以后继续经营该动物园。

