

【参考范文】The little boy headed back down to the old man's house. The thought of knocking at the oldman's door filled the little boy with fear, but he still knocked on the door, waiting breathlesslyFinally, it opened, and out came the old man. Seeing the boy holding a well-wrapped dog figurinehe looked very astonished but still glared at him without a word Determined to break the ice. theboy gave the old man the gift with a precious card attached, expressing sincerely caring about himDeeply moved by all the boy did, the old man could say nothing but to hug him tightly, with tears ofappreciation welling up. Out of gratitude, he bought a magazine from the boyFrom that day on something changed inside the old man. He adopted a real live dog and treatedhim as his child. It seemed that it was the company of the dog that led the lonely soul out ofdarkness and loneliness. Gradually, he was willing to greet others with a bright smile, expressinghis appreciation to life. Indeed, only when we open up the door of our heart can we be bathed inthe brilliant sunshine and enjoy the warmth of love and care


【解析】据表分析可知,该实验的自变量是甲醛的浓度单位和处理时间,因变量是甲醛脱氩酶( FALDH)的活性和气孔导度,所以③组为对照组据图3分析可知,随着甲醛浓度增加,气孔开放程度逐渐降低,气孔导度下降,可以减少空气中甲醛进入植物体内。据图表分析可知,低浓度的甲醛胁迫,植物一方面通过降低气孔的开放程度,减少甲醛的嗄收;另一方面,在减少气孔的同时,提高 FALDH酶的活性,增强对甲醛的代谢能力,起到抗逆作用。29.(12分,除标注外,每空1分)(1)叶绿体类囊体(基粒)氧气和H合成ATP(2)将简单的无机物二氧化碳合成复杂的有机物,直接或间接地为人类或动物界提供食物来源(2分)(3)同位素示踪法叶绿体基质(4)③可以减少空气中甲醛进入植物体内AC植物通过降低气孔的开放程度,减少甲醛的吸收;同时 FALDH酶的活性提高,增强对甲醛的代谢能力,起到抗逆作用(2分)

