

短文改错This evening my father was at a grocery store, where is often crowded. A woman next to with him hadwhiclocked her keys and her baby in her vehicle. Several store clerks had tried to help her but in vain, and he did notshehave the money for a tow truck(E4). My father called a friend of his who is the tow truck driver. It wasalate in the evening and he were having dinner with his family. Therefore, he immediately agreed a drive to helpwasHowevertothe woman. My father then gave the driver twenty dollars and all ended good. The woman was quite moving andwemovednearly burst into teartears


41.D由下文可知,Bair要去秘鲁的偏远山区当志愿者,父母来机场为她送行,因此,从一家人的神情,所带物品,可以很明显地看出来是女儿要远行,而不是父42.B一家人看了看候机的人群,然后开始等待(登机)。43. Blair刚刚大学毕业,拥有漂亮的简历,但她还没有准备步人职场4.B答案解析同43题45. C Hair的一个朋友在非洲做志愿者,这也激励者她去做同样有意义的事情,将自己未来的两年投入到帮助他人中去46.D她的任务是到秘鲁东部教落后地区的几童读书识字47.A她将生活在简陋的棚舍里,没有现代化的便利设施,没有电,没有电话我8C由下文可知,团air去当志胞者的愿望十分强烈,因此她迫不及待地想要开这次志愿之49.A由下文的“ the first elas”可知,园at将乘坐飞机前往迈阿密,然后再到达50. C sheltered意思为“受保护的”。年轻的Bar一直受到父母呵护,今年将是她人生第一次独自一人在异国他乡度过圣诞节51. C Hair的父亲 Luther对女儿远走他乡十分伤感52. B Lath阿过女儿无数遍这是否是她真正想要的生活53.D这时,广播响起,通知一等舱的乘客准备办理登机5L. A fight back the tears意思为“强忍住泪水”55. B Bair安慰父母说,一年很快就过去了,明年她会回家和他们一起庆视圣诞56. D Blair的母亲咬了咬嘴唇,点头回应女儿, bite one's hp用来表示抑制情感的流露,本文中表示Bair的母亲强忌住自己的恶伤57. A Blair的母亲无法控制自己,反复对女儿说凡事要当心, stop doing sth"停止做某事38.D当女儿转身,融入了排队的人群中,国air的父母站在那里无助地看着她的肯影渐行渐远3. C inch意思为慢慢移动”60.B他们转过身陷人了无尽的悲伤

