

B【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了一为遗遇车祸的妻子祈福的马路天使。24.B细节理解题。根据文章第一段第行“M6 mmy was just in a car accident.”可知。故25.D推理判断题。根据障第三段最后一句“ she had continued to pray for our family”可知 <成面d26.b细节理解题。根据文章第一段前几句话“ the phone rings.‘hlo’, daddy,it'sme.it' s alyce,my12- year-old daughter.‘ mommy was just in a car accident.’”可知alyce rang her dad;根据文章第一段最后一句话“ i dash to spot.”可知doug rushed scene;根据文章的第三段“ alyce told that she needed call me,so woman lent phone.”可知 susan phone;根据文章的第三段第一句话“ and were at an event celebrating martin luther king jr.”可知they attended celebration;根据文章的第三段“ our temple' cantor(领唱) musicaldirector, danny, up us. he said excitedly, theres here tonight fromone of church choirs who you have meet! returned with african americanwoman bright, glowing smile. "n] *l they introduced africanamerican woman:根据文章的最后一段可知 each other after takinga picture。故选b。27.c词义猜测题。根据文章第一段可知作者的表子遭遇了车祸,再根据第三段最后一句“ accident,…”故选c。端< p>


4.D【解析】A.盐酸酸性比碳酸强,所以二氧化碳和氯化钙溶液不反应,故A错误;B硫化亚铁具有还原性,而硝酸具有氧化性,二者发生氧化还原反应,正确的离子方程式为FeS+4H++NO一Fe++S+NO↑2H2O,故B错误;C.同浓度同体积 NHHSO4溶液与NaOH溶液混合时,氢氧根先与氢离子反应,没有足够的氢氧根和铵根反应,离子方程式为H+十OH—H2O,故C错误;D氯气具有强氧化性,可以将亚硫酸根氧化成硫酸根,根据电荷守恒和电子守恒可得离子方程式为3S-十Cl2+H2O--2HSO万十2Cl-+S-,故D正确。

