

if1.A根据后面的 He was in his8o's可知,此人是一位年长的( elderly)先生she shs a得出2.D根据后面的 He had a few other items to collect in the town centre可知,这位老先生是刚离开超市(rmark不久B根据前后的内容可知,此人年老体弱,拄着拐棍,每走几步( steps),就累了根据常识可知,在四个选项中,超市附近、能抓住休息的应该是栏杆( fence)根据前后文的逻辑关系可知,前后是因果关系。此人还要在市中心买其他东西,因此(so)作者陪着他一根据前面的 then another food store where he only可知,此人到食品店是挑选( picked up)食物。根据前面的 Total time with him was about half an hour可知,帮老人办事一共用大了约半小时,作者确ertain),如果老人自己去做,会花很长时间限据前面的 Total time with him was about half an hour可知,此处对比的时间单位是小时(hour)坐出车回家、只是打算,还没有实施就通到作者人乘出车列了第一家商店,最后打算( intended)A根据前的 He gota tax to the first shop可知E根前面的10c1xhm可知,所有事情办(m)之后,打算打的回家52.B面的Heh= ds few other items ro collect in the town centre可知,此人一共买了六件物品( (items)5aD后面的内容可知,作者得知(mD,此人有三个儿子购回?6W新面豆一士暴画利四明四叫叫中m里游据后面的ng his head可知,此人的几子在厨房的地板上辣倒( falling),辣破头死亡,56.A根据前面的内容可知,老人的三个几子都不幸死亡,作者简直不能想象他有多么的伤心( heartbreak)器某出⊥品物王Y家国且场里厚滑Y57、C根据常识可知,作者帮了老人这么大的忙,老人亲物、拥饱、感谢( thanked了他5D面的内容可知,作者觉得,帮助这位老人,使得他获得了多得多60根据前面的内容可知,今天是情人节,作者觉得没必要给自己买玫瑰花款待( treat)自己了A梭据前面的内容可知,作者认为自已已经( already)被完类地奖励了


据前面的内容可知,作者认为自已已经(alcd矩文改sA2.thie6xwho64.wthd6s.too6.bony67.abTomb sweeping Day one of the most important Chinese traditional festival. According to ancientres A forbidden on that day and people had to cat cold food withour lighting a fireThere are several activities people do during the festival. Planting trees is a good one. Every year, muchmanywereces are planted all over China. Another popular activity is spring outing, which is a good chance to do exercise.The wether is warmly and it is pleasant to walk in the fields in the. springEvery year.inelebrate of the festival, our school organizedganizes the students to climb mountains. We alwayscelebrationng English. It

