

2l什么9命题人考查椭园的基本性质及直线与椭圆的位置关系的应用,量数量积定值问题么考()因为椭圆C过点(,2),所以是+2又因为椭圆左焦点到直线x=距离为5,所以二+c=5又a2=b2+c2,解得a=2,b=3所以椭圓C的标准方程为+=2)当直线AB的斜率不为0时,设直线AB:x=my-1,设P(t,0)A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2)z my-1消去x得(4+3m2)y2-6my-9=05分所以降∠(m,2-1-t,y1)·(my2-1-1,y)=(m2+1)yy2m(11(6+第)米(1+0)3==9(m+1)=6m(1++(1+1)因为-9(m2+1)-6m2(1+2=-3m(21+5)-9-(2+5)+要使P·为定值,则上式必须与m无关即8t+1l=0,解得t=刷P10分当直线AB的钟奉为0时,A,B分别为椭圆C的左、右顶点当直线AB的钟率为0时,A,B分别为椭圆C的左、右顶点,r=(-3,),=(综上,在x轴上存在一点P(-0),使得,为定值(当购可,=B83此时也是定值12分


短文改错This evening my father was at a grocery store, where is often crowded. A woman next to with him hadwhiclocked her keys and her baby in her vehicle. Several store clerks had tried to help her but in vain, and he did notshehave the money for a tow truck(E4). My father called a friend of his who is the tow truck driver. It wasalate in the evening and he were having dinner with his family. Therefore, he immediately agreed a drive to helpwasHowevertothe woman. My father then gave the driver twenty dollars and all ended good. The woman was quite moving andwemovednearly burst into teartears

