



本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个老师为了让学生上课集中注意力而采取的特殊的课堂教学方式让学生在课桌底下骑脚踏车。28.词义猜测题。根据下文第三段“ Before, they were drumming on their desks or touching other students.Theydon' t do that any more now.(以前,他们会敲课桌或触摸其他学生。现在他们不再那样做了)”结合划线词前“ They are paying more attention to what the teachers say,可知,过去学生上课总是不专心,各种小动作。划线词前“ no longer”意为他们不再像以前一样,总是身体乱动了,能够专心听课了。推测划线词意为“以前的不好行为”,即“身体乱动”。故选C项。29.细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“ The cost was covered by money from kind people.(费用是由好心人出钱支付的。)”可知,这些特殊的“自行车”是有善心的人们付钱买的。故选C项。30.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“ The kids clearly love the new"toys. Sofia Fedele, one of Lambeth' s studentssaid cycling helped her focus on her work during class.(孩子们显然很喜欢新的“玩具”。兰贝斯的学生索菲亚·费德勒( Sofia fedele)说,骑自行车帮助她在课堂上集中精力学习)”及最后一段“ Quinn Spear, anotherstudent in Lambeth' s class;, also mentioned the good effect on health of cycling during class.(兰贝斯班上的另位学生奎因·斯皮尔( Quinn Spear)也提到了上课时骑自行车对健康的良好影响。)”可推知, Sofia Fedele和inn Spear都是举例子证明孩子们很喜欢这个新“玩具”。故选A项。31.主旨大意题。根据第一段“ After noticing that her eighth grade students had problems focusing during mathclass, a North Carolina teacher decided to channe(引导) their energy in a different way- cycling.(北卡罗来纳州的一位老师注意到她的八年级学生在数学课上很难集中注意力,于是决定用一种不同的方式来引导他们的精力—骑自行车。)”及第二段“ They are paying more attention to what the teachers say, and most importantly,they are no longer fidgeting all the time.(他们更加注意老师说的话,最重要的是,他们不再总是坐立不安)”及第三段“ There has been a huge increase in the quality of our students work and a drop in the amount of missingwork.(我们学生的学习质量有了很大的提高,缺课的数量也减少了。)”可知,这位老师用一台类似自行车的机器,使同学们听课注意力更集中了。D项“一个机器是如何改变学生课堂行为的可以作为本文标题。故选D项。



