

6.【答案】B【解析】aCa,b∥a,则a∥b,或a与b异面,所以A错3误若a∥BaCa,则a∥BB正确;若a且b,a⊥a则b∥或bca,所以C错误诺若 a Lp,anp=L,则4⊥BD错误,少了条件aca,故选B


One possible version:Dear Sir/ MadamKnowing that the First Snow Festival will be held during the winter holidays and some volunteers areneeded, I show great interest in it and want to get more experience. So Pm writing the letter to recommendHonestly speaking, I have rich experience as a volunteer, since I have served as a volunteer in intema-tional competitions. What's more, I'm outgoing and good at communicating with others, making it easy for meto get along with others. Above all, I have a good command of English, and can make myself understoodTherefore, I can serve foreign tourists welId appreciate it if you could give me such a chance. Looking forward to your replyYours

