



短文改错0小题:每小题1分,满分10分篇导读记叙文。本文讲述了作者在海滩英勇救人的故1第一自然段第二句was改为were本题考查主谓一致。主语是 many holiday makers。应用复数2第一自然段第二句 which改为whom本题考查介词提前的非限语从句。先应用关系代词whom3第二自然段第一句 while改为when本题考查连词。was/ were doing.when译为“正在做某事就在这时4第二自然段第二句 Istruggle改为 Struggling本题考查非谓语动词作状语。 struggle与 the girl之间为主动关系5第二自然段第四句him改为her本题考查代词(形文逻辑6第二自然段第六句删去been本题考查一般过去时被动态7第二自然段第六句and改为but本题考查并列连词。此处为转折关系7第二自然段第六句and改为but本题考查并列连词。此处为转折关系。8第二自然段第七句 grateful改为 gratitude gRatefulness本题考查词性变换。此处应用名词。9第三自然段第一句the改为a本题考查冠词 a variety of译为“各式各样的”。10第三自然段第二句在can后加to本题考查非谓语动词, do everything sb can to do译为尽某人所能去做Last Saturday moning, I was walking along the beach. On it was many holidaymakers, some ofwhich werewhomsearching for shells and others taking a walkI was looking for a place to sit on while I heard a cry for help a littledropped into the watertrugglewhtrugg linand down. Seeing this, I dashed forward and jumped into the water. I swam as fast as I could topproach himhFinally, I managed to return to the shore with the girl. With the help of other tourists, the girl was beenulledonto the shore, pale and safe. Words failed to express her grateful to me and others.gratefulness s gratitudeThe world we live in is a big family whose members are sure to meet the variety of difficult ies. Wehould doeverything we can help each other to make it peaceful

