2021-2022 英语周报 八年级 新目标 18 HCG答案


【答案与解析】本文是一篇说明文。文中介绍了苏格兰的大规模潮汐能农场 MeyGen的项目,该项目先安装4个涡轮机,但最终将安装269个涡轮机,能提供17.5万个家庭的用电量32.A细节理解题。根据第一段“ The project will initially prepare four turbines, but will eventually have269turbines, enough to power175,000 homes.”及第二段“ A turbine designed to create electricity可知,MeyGen的涡轮机的作用是利用潮汐发电33.C词义猜测题。根据第四段“‘ MeyGen is set to invigorate the marine renewables industry in Scotland andprovide vital jobs for a skilled workforce, leaving valuable offshore expertise here in Scotland that wouldotherwise be lost overseas,””可推断,画线词与 Motivate的意思最为接近。34.D推理判断题。根据第六段“ Scotland has25% of the EUs offshore wind and tidal power potential'”可推断,苏格兰有丰富的潮汐能源。35.A推理判断题。根据最后一段“ This is still an amazingly young technology, and future development has to bedependent on continued support..”可推断, Jenny Hogan认为 KeyGen项目的成功之路还很长


短文改错Last year I won some ticket to Frozen 2 and I took my son and the daughter of one of our neighbors towatching it.This morning I went shopping for something necessary and left Richard at home because he was seriouslyillness. Halfway through the supermarket, I meet the neighbor. Seeing I seemed upsetif/whetherwas all right. I said I was a little o worried about Richard,'s health.She immediately pulled out the piece of paper and a pen but wrote her new mobile number down. Then sheid,"If you need help, please ring her. " To be honest, I A touched by her kindness then.

2021-2022 英语周报 八年级 新目标 18 HCG答案

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