

故事文本分析》1.故事大意:在主人公 Jenny小时候,爸爸死于率祸,妈妈一人无法抚养她和她的妹妹,所以把比她小两岁的妹妹送给他人抚养。几年后,妈妈与收养家庭失去了联系。因病即将离世的妈妈告知Jenny此事,让她找到失散的妹妹,并向她表达妈妈的愧疚之情。妈妈的离世使Jeny十分悲伤,但是想着世上还有一位妹妹,心中有些许安慰。然而Jeny不知如何寻找,朋友向她推荐了一个寻亲网站。2.主题词:亲情。续写悲念:寻亲网站— Google Earth能否找到主人公 Jenny的妹妹呢?写作思路点拨》思路:第一段首句句意为“听到这些话(即有一个寻亲网站),我感到十分高兴。”接下来,主人公则会从网站入手,开始自己的寻亲之路。寻妹妹的信息如同大海捞针,其中必定经历曲折、失落与沮丧。第二段首句句意为“(我)激动地读着(网上的)那条信息。”由此可知,接下来必定会得知有希望的消息,姐妹俩最终得以团聚。点拨:续写时,考生可以借助已知线索,如妈妈的姓名( Maryann)、妹妹的年龄( two years younger)以及收养家庭的信息等作为写作线索。首段可描写Jeny搜寻信息的不易和内心感受。第二段故事出现反转,有关妹妹的信息浮出水面,接下来就是姐妹团聚的情节,考生可以围绕人物的对话或者主人公的内心情感进行描写。【参考范文】After hearing the words, I felt very happy. Inhope of fulfilling my mother's last wish on her bucketlist, I browsed Google Earth to look for clues thatmight make my way to my lost sister. While spendinghours in skimming through the website for somethingrelevant hecame my life routine, doubtfulness anddisappointment now and again clouded my mind. Onecold night, I was rooting around at the tabwhen on the screen popped up a post marked fromRome,"Looking for my American biological motherand an elder sister. Mum's name is Marie. Marandaor marah.”It was very exciting to read that message. Sothrilled was I that the butterflies in my stomach weremore like pigeons flying around my insides. Heartbeatingwildly and fingers trembling slightly, I filledout a contact page with my details. Then I went to bedwith a ray of silver lining! Hours later, my phonerang. Excited, I pressed the key. A strangers voicegreeted,"Hello, this is Sofia from Italy. Sorry to callyou that early, but I'm wonder if you are JennyWe kept talking until I was certain she was my sister.EventuallyWelcome back home, mybeloved sister!”


17.【解】本题考查正弦定理、余弦定理在解三角形中的应用,三角形面积公式(1)因为(c-b)sin(A+B)= asin a- bsin B所以(c-b)sinC= asin a- bsin b,由正弦定理得(c-b)c=a2-b2,即c2+b2-a2=bc由余弦定理得cosA=c2+b2-a212b0又A∈(0,π),所以A=由正弦定理得mAB36sin60°sinB则sinB=26m60°=2又b

