

第一节本文是一篇记叙文。文拿主要讲述了美国无臂射手 Matt Stutzman他是一位残疾人,起初学习射箭是为了养家糊口,后来威为了美国最奸的射箭运动黃。他同时也在积极地响其他残疾人,帮助他们树立生活的信心。41.(羅⊙D什么Q命题人考查的是名词词义辨析么考·结合下文的“. he could at least50 deer anl fee hifamily.·”可知,只有极少数射箭运动员学习射箭和参加比赛,日的是为了谋生。故正确答案为D42.(幂B(什么Q命题人考查的是动词词义辨析。么考Q结合下文的“hn2009, al deer season in lowa..”和“ Anal hy2011, I har alreadly,,"等可知,在2010年的时候,他才开始决定成为世界上最优秀的射篇运动员。故正确答案为B43.(香⑨A唐什么命题人考查的是动词词义辨析么考●与上文的“ january of2010 is when I42 to be the bestarcher in the world.相呼应,2010年开始决心成为最好的射箭运动员,到了2011年,他已经进入了美国国家队。故正确答案为A44.(两幂②C什么◆命题人考查的是形容词词义辨析。么考●空前谈到,他出生就没有手臂。此处指他慢慢长大成人故止确答案为C吾暴②D〔什么命题人考查的是名词词义辨析。这么考0根据空后的“ despite his abilities and willingness to tryanything"可知,尽管他有能力并且有意愿尝试任何事情,但是由于他是一个残疾人,没有人愿意给他机会,让他试一试。故正确答案46.(⑨A进什么命题人考查的是名词词义辨析(么与上文的“, there weren't many people willing to give him a45”相呼应,没有人愿意让他试一试,因此他无法找到养家糊口的了作。故正确答案为A幂⊙C什么o命題人考查的是形容词词义辦析么考◆根据上文内容可知,他找不到工作,内心当然郁闷。故正确答案为C。48.(善騙⑨B密什么命题人考查的是动词词义辨析。这么考Q根据上文的“ Nobody would give me a chance.,”可知,没有人给他机会,让他证明自己的能力。故正确答案为B。48.(善騙⑨B辔什么命题人考查的是动词词义辨析区么考Q根据上文的“ Nobody would give me a chance.,”可知,没有人给傯机会,让他证明自己的能力。故正确答案为B。49.《③A什么Q命题人考查的是动词词义辨析。区么啊Q与上文反复提到的 arhery”相呼应,此处指的是他突然想到自学射箭,这样就可以逦过打猎来养家糊口。这里指射箭,应选snt故正确答案为A50.(爸⑨C考什么Q命题人考查的是动词词义辨析。g么Q根据上文的” a deer season”和“49ahow"以及下文的feed his family”可知,他想通过学习射简来捕杀鹿,从而能够养家糊口。故正确答案为C51.(⑨D什么命题人考查的是形容词词义辨析g么考Q上文提到他没有工作,急需一份工作来养家糊口,说明他没有钱,因此购买弓箭的时候选的应是最便宜的。故正确答案为D52.(善解⑨A什么。命题人考查的是副词词义辨析。么考Q根据下文的“1 am now excited.”可知他非常高兴,说明他这个没有手臂完全依靠脚的人,真的成功地捕杀了一头鹿。故正确答案为A〔第⑨A进什么自命题人考查的是名词词义辨析。这么考●他成功地捕杀了一头鹿,说明他还是能够依靠自己的能力来养家糊口的因此他对生活又有了信心。故正确答案为A54.〔善⑨B什么Q命题人考查的是动词词义辨析么号上文谈到他捕获了一只鹿,此处指他设定了一个目标,走出去,完成了把食物摆上餐桌的任务。故正确答案为B〔暴⑨D什么命题人考查的是动词词义辨析这么与上文反复提到的 make a living和“ feed his family”相呼应,此处指他开始学习射箭,完全是为了养家糊口。故正确答案为D56.〔吾漏②D什么Q命题人考查的是名词词义辨析。國么考根据下文的“ saying they saw him do this or that, now theyan do tha.."可知,他们也像他一样能够做了,说明是和他一样的人。故正确答案为D。A什么◎命题人考查的是形容词词义辨析②么弩。根据上文内容可知,他影响了其他残疾人的人生,这让他感觉很好。故正确答案为A58.(晋瞩②C什么Q命题人考查的是名词词义辨析。么与上文内容相呼应,他影响了其他的残疾人,使得他们具有了自信,这种感觉对他来说比获奖更好。故正确答案为C。59.(吾解⑨A什么命题人考查的是动词词义辨析。么根据下文内容可知,他认为最好的射箭运动员,应该是改变了比赛和其他观看比赛的人们使得他们更加积极地生活。故正确答案为A。60.(⑩B什么Q命题人考查的是动词词义辨析这么事◆根据下文的“ what you do and make them better·和上文的“… they saw him do this or that.."可知,这里指那些观看了他的比赛的人们。故正确答案为B。


读后续写 One possible version)A bad guy just p/cked Kim up and took her away! yelled Julie. So shocked were Kims parents thatthey jumped up from the sofa and rushed over to Julie. Learning what had happened, they phoned thepolice without delay. The nextnt, they jumped into their car and drove off directed by Julie. By thenT had reached the alley, but the man was nowhere to be seen. "I must find Kim, "TJ said to himself. Heran along the alley to the end, where he spotted the man walking towards a white house. "Stop! Stop Withhese words, he charged at the guy fearlessly and held fast to Kim. However hard the guy tried to get rid ofTJ. TJ wouldnt give inAt that very moment, Kim s parents arrived. Help! Help! "TJ shouted. Immediately Kim's father tookoff toward the guy. Seeing this. he guy hurriedly let go of Kim and broke into a run. Kim's father dashedup, caught hold of him and pressed him to the ground. Kim ran crying into her mother s arms. Minutes later,the police arrived and arrested the guy. TJ breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily. T]'s quick thinkingand bravery saved a little girl in the neighborhood from unimaginable consequences

