

41---45: DABCA46---50: BDCAA51-55:BCDBD


第二节I thought the story would end forever if i didnt happen to meet him a fewyears later. I was invited to judge a music competition. during the competition, aboy violin player drew my attention. from time to time he also had a look in mydirection with a strange smile on his face i was sure i must have met him beforebut I failed to think of where and when we had met at the very moment. Finally,he won first prize because of his excellent performanceA fter the award ceremony, he ran to me holding a violin box. with his face red,he asked, Mr Brian, do you still remember me? You gave me your violin, whichhave been treasuring until today You cant imagine how much what you did thatnoon means to me! Today i can give it back to you without regret. Believe it ornot. it turned out that this boy was "Mr Brians nephew Rubens"! Tears welled upIn my eyes

