

第一节短文改错In common with many young people, I used to leading an unhealthy life. I liked staying up late, and eating fast foodeadout i dislike doing any exercise. As a result, I fell ill easily, that had a great effect on my study and life. Then Iead andislikewhicharticle says that jogging would make A difference to health. I realized the importance of taking part in different sportsayingactivity. I made it a rule to run every day and frequent worked out. What's more, i was no longer feeling freely to enjoyactivitiesfrequentlyfreejunk food. Finally, I stopped staying up late and enjoying me by eating unhealthy food. Instead of, I kept going for amyseelfjog at least half an hour daily. Thanks to it, I am both more energetic and healthier now


21-23 CAB

