

第四部分写作第一节短文改错Graduation finally came. My classmates and i decided1o dlo something. After a heating discussion. we agreed onheatednakinghe video to record our expcriences at schoolMaterial collecting takes us a whole weck, durinigtookthat time we interviewed our teachers and look pictureshictof every aspect of school life. The editing part before thataflerwas tough. They debated over what to put into the videoSome compromises were unavoidable, but the videoproved perfectlyperfectSeveral davs later or. when the video was played atthe graduation ceremony. ItA well received. All theteachers and students shared a great time, which surelgavc us a great sense of achicvements


第二节书闺表达Dear JohnIlow are you doing? I'm extrcmcly glad tonorm vouthat my class will leave for jingdezhen to experience theceramic culture next Sunday. Are you interested in thisctivity? Here are some details about itThe activity will last about 9 hours, from 8: 00 in themorning to a: 0he afternoon. during which time youcan get a visual impact from appreciating those preciousand delicate ceramics. At that time. ceramic masters willhowhow to makc ceramics with fantastic techniques. Toke ceramics in person must be the most exciting partAnd the works on our own can be taken away ifreferi really want to invite you to come with us. lookingforward to your reply. Pleasc contact me at any momentLiH

