

第四部分写作第一节应用文写作【写作指导】本文是一封电子邮件,要求考生告知留学生George他没有通过上周京剧社的面试。根据题目要求可将本文写作内容分为三部分:一是告知消息;二是说明面试未通过的原因;三是给予鼓励。在说明面试未通过的原因时可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。在写作时,考生可以使用非谓语动词、定语从句等语法结构来丰富文章,以提高作文的得分档次审题:人称:第一人称和第二人称为主时态:一般现在时为主,一般将来时为辅提纲:开头句:① I'm Li Hua, chairman of the Peking OperaClub. I want to thank you for your interest in joining thePeking Opera Club and for all the time you put into theInterview process.2)Im Li Hua, chairman of the Peking Opera Club.Thanks for your interest in joining the Peking Opera Cluband for the time you put into the interview process.文章主体:要点一:① Unfortunately, m somy to tellou that we will not offer the membership to you(2 Unfortunately, Im sorry to tell you that you failed themembership interview held last week.要点二:① While your enthusiasm for Peking Opera isvery impressive, we have chosen a candidate who has morehands-on experience. Besides, your Mandarin failed to meetthe criteria for stage performance.2)Although your enthusiasm for Peking Opera is veryimpressive, we have chosen a candidate who has morepractical experience, What's more, your Mandarin failed tomeet the criteria for stage performance要点三:① However, we will keep your resume on fileand keep you in mind if there should be any other chances2 But we will keep your resume on file and inform youif there should be any other chances结尾句:① Best wishes!(2)All the best wishes for youOne possible versionDear GeorgeIm Li Hua, chairman of the Peking Opera Club. I wantto thank you for your intjoining the Peking OperaClub and for all the time you put into the interview processUnfortunately, I'm sorry to tell you that we will not offer themembership to youWhile your enthusiasm for Peking Opera is verympressive. we have chosen a candidate whomorehands-on experience. Besides, your Mandarin failthe criteria for stage performance.However, we will keep your resume on file and keep youin mind if there should be any other chances. Best wishesYoursLi Hua


第二节【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了无人驾驶汽车未能被推广应用的原因。31B【解题思路】上文讲无人驾驶汽车已经试驾了数千英里;下文讲乘客可以在途中吃东西或看书。B项“这些汽车里只有乘客,没有司机”承上启下,符合语境。故选B。32E【解题思路】下文讲在无人驾驶汽车可以被公众使用前,有些问题必须得到解决。E项“那么为什么无人驾驶汽车如今在路上不常见呢”与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选E。33F【解题思路】上文讲其中一个问题是汽车不能像司机一样预测远处的路况;下文讲例如一名司机在看到0.3千米远处的一个孩子在路面上骑滑板车时就开始减速,而无人驾驶汽车只有在孩子在它的紧急路径上时才会做出反应。F项“无人驾驶汽车只有在事情真正发生时才会做出反应”承上启下,符合语境。故选F。34.G【解题思路】下文讲它们(无人驾驶汽车)可能会被雾、大雨或其他车辆溅起的水花所迷惑。G项“无人驾驶汽车在适应天气情况方面也有困难”引出下文,符合语境。故选G35.D【解题思路】上文讲另一个问题是尽管无人驾驶车辆的内存里植入了地图,但这些地图并不总是更新的和精确的。D项“新的道路被修建,而旧的道路被关闭”承接上文,符合神墙语境。故选D【长难句分析】 Another issue is that self-driving canave maps programmed into their memory, but thesenaps aren' t always updated and accurate.(最后一段第句)分析:本句是一个主从复合句。主语是Another issue:谓语动词是is;hat引导表语从句; programmed intotheir memory作maps的后置定语。译文:另一个问题是尽管无人驾驶车辆的内存里植入了地图,但这些地图并不总是更新的和精确的。词汇积累: Issue n.问题 predict I.预测accurate a小.精确的

