

【答案与解析本文是一篇记叙文。作者主要介绍了自己的旅行。24.D细节理解题。根据第一段“ My goal was to visit100 countries by the time I was30. For whateverreasons, I thought that'sounded cool. I ended up achieving that goal at about25.”可知,作者在25岁左右的时候已经实现了游览100个国家的目标。25.B推理判断题。根据第二段“n2006, I got an email from a friend where I learned that there was actually arecord of the youngest to visit every country in the world.. "K"Five years later, it turned out to be a greatdecision, and I became the youngest American to visit every country when I was32then.”可推断,作者在2011年创造了一项新的世界纪录—成为世界上游览了所有国家的最年轻的美国人。算“,)26.C推理判断题。根据最后一段“ But in the summer of2008, I simply resigned my position at a major WallStreet firm. It happened right before the collapse(ELf) of several major firms, so it made me look smartbut it was pure coincidence.”可知,作者恰巧在大公司瓦解前辞职了。由此可推断,作者的辞职对他来说是件幸事27.D主旨大意题。通读全文可知,作者主要是介绍了他的旅行。


短文改错This evening my father was at a grocery store, where is often crowded. A woman next to with him hadwhiclocked her keys and her baby in her vehicle. Several store clerks had tried to help her but in vain, and he did notshehave the money for a tow truck(E4). My father called a friend of his who is the tow truck driver. It wasalate in the evening and he were having dinner with his family. Therefore, he immediately agreed a drive to helpwasHowevertothe woman. My father then gave the driver twenty dollars and all ended good. The woman was quite moving andwemovednearly burst into teartears

