

24.(12分)(1)滑块在传送带上运动的加速度a=ug=1m/s2(1分)滑块从静止开始运动到与传送带相对静止所用的时间t==2s,这段时间内滑块的位移x0=an2=2m x1=4m(1分)P滑到传送带左端时的速度v=-2m1=2Em/s,运动时间4=-=12(1分)两滑块落地的时间差M=t2+1-14=7.8s(1分)


书面表达One possible versionDear PeterI'm writing to invite you to see the Chinese Painting Exhibition to be held in our city.The exhibition will start at 8: 30 am on Saturday and last till 5: 00 pm on Sunday in the city museum It'ssaid that a large number of Chinese paintings, some of which are original works by famous painters like ZhangDaqian and Qi Baishi, will be on display. Besides, there will be various souvenirs to be sold. I know you re veryinterested in traditional Chinese culture, so I can t wait to tell you the news and hope we can go together.Looking forward to your reply.You

