

C【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章通过一个实验发现谈判的成功或失败不仅取决于谈判桌上的最终报价,还取决于谈判过程中出现的动态。28.B【解析】作出判断推理。根据第一段“Whetheryou're buying a house,a car orsecond-handfurniture,it's likely you will need to negotiate theprice,so being able to negotiate effectively couldsave you significant cash.(无论你买的是房子、汽车还是二手家具,很可能你都需要议价,所以能够有效地议价可以为你节省大量的钱。)”及下文对“议价”这件事的深人研究可知,首段的目的是引出文章的中心话题。故选B项。29.D【解析】理解具体信息。根据第二段的最后句“‘This experiment allowed us to study whetherand how the level of the opening offer influences thebeliefs of buyers and sellers,their actions and thefinal bargaining outcome,'said Professor Page.奇教授说:‘这个实验让我们研究了开盘报价的水平是否以及如何影响买卖双方的信念、他们的行为和最终的讨价还价结果。’)”及第三段第二句“Theyfound that the success or failure of a negotiationdepended not only on the final offer on the table butalso on the emerging dynamics of the bargainingprocess.(他们发现,谈判的成功或失败不仅取决于谈判桌上的最终报价,还取决于谈判过程中出现的动态。)”可知,这个实验关注的是讨价还价过程中的意图对最终结果的影响。故选D项。30.D【解析】理解具体信息。根据最后一段中“Oneview is that a low opening offer worksas an'anchor'that moves the final offer in the directionof the first offer.The second is that a morereasonable initial offer achieves a better outcomebecause it doesn't sour the atmosphere andendanger the agreement.Professor Page said theirstudy showed support for both these ideas..(一种观点认为,较低的开盘价起到了“锚”的作用,将最终报价推向首次报价的方向。另一种观点认为,一个更合理的初始报价会带来更好的结果,因为它不会破坏气氛,危及协议。佩奇教授说,他们的研究表明这两种观点都得到了支持。)”可知,研究的结果支持原有的两种观点。故选D项。31.D【解析】理解主旨要义。根据第三段第二句"They found that the success or failure of anegotiation depended not only on the final offer onthe table but also on the emerging dynamics of thebargaining process.(他们发现,谈判的成功或失败不仅取决于谈判桌上的最终报价,还取决于谈判过程中出现的动态。)”及文章的其他内容可推知,文章通过一个实验发现谈判的成功或失败不仅取决于谈判桌上的最终报价,还取决于谈判过程中出现的动态。结合选项可知,D项Negotiation:ProcessMakes a Big Difference(谈判:过程决定成败)概括最为全面准确。故选D项。


第四部分写作第一节短文改错Thank you so much for your kind iinvite to theinvitationexhibition,"Ancient India",what is now on at the localwhichmuseum.I'd loveA join you.toI'd beparticular happy to watch this exhibitionparticularlybecause the brilliant Indian culture have always beenhasmysterious and attractive to me.India is an oldcivilization just like China.It would be excited to seeexcitingall the exhibits that have traveled such that a long wayto China!With you as a companion,there is a gooditchance to have a best understanding of Indian people'sbetterlife.Let's meet at the entrance to the museum at 9:30am in Thursday,July 23.onBest wishes!

