


书面表达(25分)One possible versionAs we know, most people have a national hero or heroes in their hearts. For me, Yuan Tongping a Chinesegreat agricultural scientist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is actually my national hero.Ie was bom on September 7, 1930. In the 1960s China experienced famine and he came up with an idea forhybridizing rice. In 1973, he developed a new way of growing rice and hence new rice was developed. In 1979, histcchniquc for hybrid rice was introduced into the Unitod Statcs, the first casc of intellectual propcrty rights transfcrin the history of new China. With the devclopment of ncw ricc, gone are the days when Chinesc pcople sulTer fromterrble starvation, and more countries of the world are able to grow more rice to feed the growing world populationI extremely admire and respect him becausc he solved the problems of people sullering from starvationWe should learn from him the spiril of striving for the well-bcing of mankind. His perseverance, indifFerence lopersonal famc and fortune, his devotion to rcscarch work and profound insight are also grcat merits we shouldfollow I



