

第二部分:参考范文was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer. How I wished I had not actedo foolishly, making myself a laughing stock of my family! I could well imagine how they wouldok when my head come out. Seeing my repeated efforts but in vain, Jason rushed out of theoom and turned to Dad for help. Seeing me caught in such a situation, Dad was unexpectedlysurprised, but soon surprise transformed into laughter. He tried my approaches, and eventuallymanaged to gt my head out by carefullythe pumpkin open with a knife. Just when I feltrelieved to be freed form the pumpkin, I suddenly found that mon should be shooting all thathappened to me and would upload it onlineThat video was posted online the Monday before Halloween. It went viral immediately. Justwithin hours, hundreds of likes and funny comments appeared, showing their enthusiasm.Constant streams of curious people even came by to take photos with us and my prized pumpkinJson was really excited and Mon was glad that her video should become such a hit and thus greweven crazier about shooting videos. But for me, though a little embarrassed, I soon totally forgotInforgettable"incident and set out for the trick-or treating. i would like to take it as a treat toadd joy and un to this festive Halloween for everyone.原作续写I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer. The video cuts before myrescue Dad got me to push my head farther into the pumpkin so Mom could reach in and undonytail. I emerged withose plugged with pulp(糊状物)hat Facebook video went up the Monday before Halloween, and by the end of that day it hadover 1.000People asked MonYou Tube, and by wednesdaygetting 5then the international me.- the video startedracking up hundreds of thousands of views. When I went on a youth camp, I was rebychildren I've never net. The pumpkin also became a minor celebrity. Passers-by and trick-orwould knock and ask, "which is Rachel's pumpkin? "before taking selfies with itAlthough our pumpkin carving the following year was a more sedate affair, I wouldn't sayhide-and-seek and became hopelessly jammed It was Dad who responded to my cries for achorearned my lesson. A few months later I squeezed myself into a laundry basket during a game


1.B【解析】物块的机械能由重力势能和动能构成,所以拉力做功影响物块机械能的改变,即△E=F·△x,则△EF所以图线的斜率表示拉力,在0~x1过程中物体机械能减小,则拉力做负功,拉力方向沿斜面向上,所以物体的位移方向向下,即物体沿斜面向下运动.A错误;在0~x1过程中图线的斜率的绝对值逐渐减小到零,可知物体的拉力逐渐减小到零,根据牛顿第二定律mg sin 8-F有,可知加速度一直增大,B正确;在x1~x2过程中,拉力F=0,机械能守恒,物体向下运动,重力势能减小,速度增大,C错误;在x2~x8过程中,拉力沿斜面向下,结合C选项分析可知物体一直沿斜面向下加速运动,D错误。故选B。

