

One possible versionDear peterKnowing that you have a great interest in traditional Chinese culture, I'm writing to inviteyou to the Beijing Opera Facial Makeup Show to be held in our schoolWith the aim of promoting traditional Chinese opera culture. the show will be held in thelecture hall at 4 p. m. on May 25th. There will be a wide range of facial makeups on show and youcan learn some basic knowledge about it. In addition, you are allowed to paint a facial makeup byyourself under professional guidance. After the show, a delicate facial makeup will be given toyou as a souvenir. You are sure to have a great experience hereI'm looking forward to your comingYoursLi Hua


B语篇类型:记叙文主题语境:人与自然——动物保护—一电影行业中动物演员的使用文章大意:《猩球崛起》电影制作人使用了数字化的猿猴作主演,动物保护者对此深表感激。但是在电影行业中有很多动物演员受到了不公正的对待这需要引起人们的关24.D【命题意图】考查细节理解【答案分析】根据第一段中的one activist, dressed in a full-bodymonkey suit, had arrived with a sign praising the filmmakers Thanks for notusing real apes(猿)!"可知,动物保护者在 Hollywood Boulevard集会是为了向一些电影制片人表示感谢,故D项正确25.B【命题意图】考查段落主旨【答案分析】根据第一段中的" The creative lean behind'Apes’ used motioncapture(动作捕捉) technology to create digitalized animals.. records anactor's performance and later processes it with computer graphics to create afinal image(图像)"可以判断,本段主要介绍了数字化猿猴的创作,故选B。26,D【命题意图】考查词义猜测【答案分析】根据第三段中的" One nonprofit organization, which monitorshe Lrealnenl of animals in filmed entertainment"可知,该非营利性组织旨在监督电影娱乐业对待动物的方式,所以画线短语与 monitor(监督)意义最接近,故1)项"密切关注"正确27.A【命题意图】考查推理判断【答案分析】根据最后一段屮的" In some cases,it' g not so much theUrealn set in the studio that. has activists worried: it's theonditions that arc raising concerns"可以推断,动物演员可能受到了不公正的对待,故A项正确

