

【答案与解析】本文是一篇议论文。智力测试有一定的价值,但是它无法决定一个人的智力。因此,我们应该理性看待智力测试并且要帮助学生发挥所长。36.A根据空前“ Have you ever taken an IQ test? I did it once when I applied to school.”及空后“ButIwondered how those particular questions could determine my intellectual(智力的) worth.”可知,A项“我相信这个智力测试在一定程度上是有价值的”符合37.B根据空后“ They are all in the sixth grade, but their talents are different.”可知,B项“现在想象一下一个有三十个学生的教室”符合。38.G根据空后“ another can quickly identify the problem with a car engine, while a third is a piano talent..”可知,G项“一个人可能在理解数学和会计方面有天赋”符合。39.D根据空后“. and being grateful for the differences.”可知,D项“实际上,智力的种类多样”符合。40.F根据空前".. to recognize that their versions of 'smart'may look nothing like that of the students acrossfrom them,”可知,F项“更重要的是努力和决心”符合。排DMA


15.6【解析】由正弦定理得 sin acos2Ca 31+coS Csin ccossin c. sin+ sin c1+cos a 3sinC,所以sinA+sinCSin Acos+cos Asin C=3sin C, a sin A+sin C+ sin(A+C)3sinC,所以sinA+sinB=2sinC,由正弦定理得a+b=2c,因为2sin(A-B)+ bsin b= asin a,所以2 sin acos b-2 cos Asin B+ bsin b= asin a,由正弦定理得2 acos B-2 bcos A+b2=a2,由余弦定理得2+b22aca2,整理得bb2,因为△ABC为非等腰三角形所以c=2,所以△ABC的周长为6

