

书面表达One possible version:Dear Jack,I am happy to know that you are to spend some time in China. I recommend you stay in Beijing, the capital andcultural center of China.First of all, there are a lot of museums where precious relics of historical interest are waiting for you toexplore. Besides, the exceptional Peking Opera performances there are also what you can t miss. And the city isalso best known for its abundance of ancient buildings, which are still well preserved.I hope that you will have a good time in China.Yours sincerely,Li Hua


15.(1)分液漏斗(1分);4H+MnO2+2C-Mn++Cl1↑+2H1O2分)(2)饱和食盐水;除去Cl2中的HC(各1分)(3)11 5:2Fe(NO, ),+3KCIO-+10KOH--2K, FcO,+3KCI-+6KNO,+5H, O( 2 25)(4)重结品(1分);乙醇易挥发,且挥发时带走水分,防止K2FO与水反应(2分)(5)96%(2分)

