

Eventually the shop oumer came out and moved to the命读后续写ounter. There, before Bobby's eyes, lay twelve red ro-ses, with leaves of green and tiny white flowers all tied to-ether with a big silver tape. Bobby's heart sank as theowner Laced them gently into a long white box."Thatwill be ten cents, young man. the shop owner said, reac-hing out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved hishand to give the man his dime. Could this be true? HeWith the bunch of beautiful roses in his hands, Bobwonderedby backed off and then turned and ran. Within minuteshe was at home, still breathless. "Look, Mother, whathave I got for you?" Bobby called out in the backyard.Mother came out from inside the house. She could hardlybelieve her eyes upon seeing the beautiful flowers in frontof her "Merry Christmas!" Bobby said and began to tellher everyhiing he had experienced in the flower shTearfully,Mother hugged her son in her arms. Standingin the bitter cold air, they somehow didn't feel cold at all.


导读……本文是应用文。文章介绍了伦敦几家最好的在线花店的相关信息。除解析……21.C细节理解题。根据第一部分 all of the packaging is either broken down or recyclable和i’ s by bicycle可知,从包装材料和投送工具可看出,其特别之处就是非常环保,故选C项。22.D细节理解题。根据第三部分i’ s the letterbox flower delivery that makes the company a noted flower pioneer可看出,该公司是一家最早采用盒式邮寄鲜花的企业,它因此而闻名。23.C细节理解题。根据最后一部分 every bunch of wedding flowers is unique and made to the customer's specificion.可知,婚礼上用的鲜花都是按照客户的要求制作的,C项符合题意。

