

语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讨论了在专业洗车店洗车和自己动手洗车哪个对环境更有益处。8.B推理判断题。根据第二段中“ The main concernswith either choice are the amount of fresh water beingused and the types of chemicals used to remove the dirt(这两种选择的主要问题是所使用的淡水量和用于清除污垢的化学物质的类型,)和5 e advises car owneto put aside a set amount of water for the entire wash(她建议车主为整个洗车过程留出一定数量的水。)”可知,在外面洗车时,人们担心会浪费掉更多的水。D细节理解题。根据第二段中“ But even followingthis advice comes with an environmental risk, Washingyour car in the driveway or street !lushes the dirty waternto storm drains.”可知,在家洗车也会带来环境风险:在车道上或街道上洗车会将脏水冲进排水沟10.B细节理解题。根据第三段中“ His organizationworks to educate the public about storm sewers(Fkit )and water runoff, keeping this untreated waterfrom entering the Allegheny region's waterways"pr知,他的公司致力于教育公众有关雨水下水道和水径流的知识,防止未经处理的水进入阿勒格尼地区的水道。1.B标题归纳题。本文主要讨论了在专业洗车店洗车和自己动手洗车哪个对环境更有益处。


语篇解读:笑话在传达智慧信息的同时给人们带来快乐。作者介绍了他所编的“盎格鲁撒克逊”风格的笑话合集,同时指出幽默这种语言在中、西方文化中不能通用的。24.A摧理判断题。由第二段“ I started collecting jokes I received from differesources over a period of some 25 years. For the book I selected an"Anglo Son” compilation.”可知,作者是这本笑话汇编的编者。25.B细节理解题。由第四段“ The language of humor is not universal and tranlating into another language mostly does not work, Different cultures have a dferent understanding of what is‘funy’:.”可知,幽默的语言不是通用的,翻译另一种语言通常是行不通的,不同的文化对什么是“有趣”有不同的理解。26.C细节理解题。由第五段“ It is an efficient tool to get acquainted with Westem society…”可知,这本书可以帮助中国人了解西方社会。27.A推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知,该书内容更适合成年人,而不是孩子,即使删除了许多种族主义的、粗俗的或取笑少数民族的笑话。

