

第二节(满分25分)Paragraph 1:found the shoeboxthe attic.“ISusan said. Your mum was an amazing artist. The paper animals, hidden in the darkness of thethe paper animals was the paper tiger, which looked so shabby. I laughed, petting its bacon top ofattic for so long, had become fragile, and the bright wrapping paper patterns had faded. OParagraph 2I unfolded the paper tiger and found several lines of Chinese characters written by my motherIt reads, "My dear son, we havent talked for a long time. So i decided to write to you about whatwant to say in the paper tiger that you used to like so much. I love you so much, but can younderstand how I felt when you put the paper animals away and paid no attention to me? i feltwas losing everything. My heart ached, tears rolling down. Following the folding lines, I refoldedthe paper back into tiger and held it in my arm


第三部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)Dear MichaeHow are you doing? Seeing that the Chinese Poetry Contest will be held in our school nextmonth, I am writing to convey the message and invite you to attend the contestPlease sign up online before Sunday. Fifty students will turn up as competitors. Allcontestants are required to read poems with expression and recite poems from memory, so youeed make full preparations for it. I am overjoyed that you are keen on traditional Chinese cultureand read a sea of Chinese poetry with great enthusiasm. I hope you could perform welLooking forward to sharing more with youYou

