

书面表达unlock the door, you'll never get inneDear MikeHow is everything going? I'm writing to tell you that next weIr's said that many fantastic works of art have been prepared to be exhibited, such as paper cuttings, shadow plays andll holdart exhibiChinese knots. Through these amazing works we're sure to learn more about the colorful history and great value of Chineseulture, Also, during this activity we can know about some great artists who have made these awesome works.Going together with me. you will surely have an unforgettable experience, Looking forward to your early reply【高三核摸拟英语(参考答案


体裁:说明文题材:社会文化主题:疫情下的美国公园系统【语篇导读】文章主要介绍了美国公园系统的现状,以及公园系统因受到疫情影响而导致预算可能会大幅削减,这将影响其改进和扩张。12.D【解析】推理判断題。根据第二段中的 during the disease asschools, gyms and walking trails have closed to minimize physicalcontact and check the spread of the virus可知,当地的公园被描述为"世外桃源”是因为疫情期间许多场所被关闭,如学校、体育馆和散步小路,因此公园便成了好去处。故选D项13.A【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段中的 with low- Incornehouseholds and people of color least likely to live close to parks withbasic facilities可知,对于低收入家庭和有色人种来说,进入绿地往往是个问题,因为他们不太可能住在公园附近。故选A项14.D【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的 Nationwide,theparks syslem took years to recover from budget cuts after the GreaRecession that upset planned improvements and expansions. Theeconomic consequences of the coronavirus disease are expected to beboth deeper and longer.可知,冠状病毒导致的疫情会使公园的预箅大幅削减,这将影响其改进和扩张。故选D项15.c【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的 The unprecedentedcrisis could enhance appreciation of parks and encourage a wave oflocal activism to fight for fair access..可知,因冠状病毒而导致的这种前所未有的危机能够促进人们欣赏公园,推动公园的公平使用权,使入们更好地认识到公园的价值。故选C项。

