2022-2023 英语周报 七年级 新课程 48答案


【解題导语】本文是议论文,主题语境是”人与社会”。文章主要探讨了中上阶层的财务困境。他们看似收入很高,实际上却常感觉自己濒临贫困线,作者将原因归结为三个方面;容易获得的信貸、对收入的错误理解以及同輩压力。【熟词新义1. credit常用义:n.信用,信誉;学分文章义:n.(从银行借的)借款,贷款The bank refused further credit to the company..银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款2.way常用义:n.方式;道路文章义:at.大大地,远远地The price is way above what we can afford.这价格大大超过了我们的支付能力。【词汇积累】 come down to可归结为,可归纳为 come by得到 cut back削减,缩减,减少 make money赚钱,获利and in hand蜜切相关 privileged ad享有特权的,优越的reference point参照标准【难句分析】 Despite earning more than s100,0 in householdme, many people feel that they are living month to month第一个宾语从句and that a loss of employment or sudden medical emergencyI easily move them from the upper middle class to low译文:尽管家庭收入超过10万美元,许多人仍然觉得他们在过译文:尽管家庭收入超过10万美元,许多人仍然觉得他们在过着”月光”的生活,失业成突发的紧急医疗事件可能会轻易把他们从中上阶层拉入低收入阶层。32.A理解具体信息题。根据第一段中的" Despite earningore than S 100, 000,,, move them from the upper middleclass to low income earners"可知,尽管家庭收入超过10万美元,许多人仍然觉得失业或紧急医疗事件可能会轻易把他们从中上阶层拉入低收入阶层;再结合第段中的" for those with six-figure incomes"和第三段中的Many higher income earners°可知,文章讨论的内容围绕中上阶层展开,故A项正确。33.B理解具体信息题。根据第二段中的" Their beingcredit without difficultytheir incomes can afford"可知,可以轻松获得信贷让他们有了一种错误的安全感,这使得他们入不敷出,故B项正确。34.C推断题。文章最后一段讲到,许多年轻的专业人士有着不错的收入,自以为赚的钱远超父母辈,但他们并没有考虑通货膨胀的影响,而这种影响意味着他们的生活成本比父母辈更高。除此之外,挣得越多,需要缴纳的税也越多,税前10万美元的收入税后只有约7万美元。由此可推知,作者想要提醒这些人要对收入情况有个清醒的认识,他们的收入事实上没有他们认为的那么多,故C项正确。易错点拨本题易误选B项。最后一段中的" their reference pointmay be thut they are making twice (or more )than theirparents were, in their parents' generation"虽然提到许多年轻人将自己的收入与父母的作对比,但这只是用来说明他们没有正确认识到自己的收入情况,并不涉及生活中应该向前看还是向后看的问题,故可排除B项。35.A推断题。根据第一段中的" but it really comes downto easy credit, misunderstanding of their incomes and peer(同辈) group pressures"可知,作者提出,中上阶层担心自己濒临贫困线的原因有三个:容易获得的信贷、对收人的错误理解以及同翠压力。第二段讨论了容易获得的信贷,第三至四段讨论了对收入的错误理解,故接下来有可能讨论第三个原因,即同辈压力的影响。故A项正确。


第二节书面表达【写作思路】根据试题要求,考生需要写一篇记叙文,记述身边一位值得尊敬和爱戴的人。首先考生需要介绍自己最尊敬和爱戴的人是谁,简单地介绍一下他(她)。然后,陈述为什么他(她)值得尊敬和爱戴。最后,可以对前文进行一个总结,使文章结构严谨。本文的写作重点在"尊敬和爱戴的原因",考生可围绕这个要点适当拓展,从性格特点、处事风格等方面展开写作。【范文赏读】The most beloved and respected person around me is my teacher, Ms LiThough she has been teaching English for twenty years, she is still passionateabout teaching. She is kind and considerate towards us just like our dear motherWe all respect her because she always tries new ways to make her classes livelyand interesting. Hardworking and knowledgeable, she is one of the best teachersin our school. When we have a problem, we will turn to her for help. She alwaystalks to us patiently and helps us to find a solution. In our eyes, she is not onlyour teacher, but also our best friend. Those are why she deserves our respect【亮点词句】亮点词汇: beloved, respected, be passionate about, be consideratetowards, turn to sb. for help, in one's eyes亮点句式:Why引导的表语从句( why she deserves our respect)

2021-2022 英语周报 七年级 新课程 48答案

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