

第三部分写作第一节【写作指导】审题本题属于应用文写作中的邀请信立意写作时使用第一人称和第二人称,时态以一般将来时为主首段陈述写邮件的目的;中间段介绍讲座的写作时间、地点和内容,并说明邀请理由;最后思路几谋篇一段表达期待布局冂注意:考生也可以灵活安排每段的写作内容,但不可以遗漏要点推荐根据构思好的提纲确定写作可能用到的表达,表达to: invite, attend a lecture, waste food, raiseone' s awareness of等【佳作展台】Dear MikeI am writing to invite you to attend a lecture about Clear Your plateThe lecture is to be held in our school hall at 2: 30 pm nextThursday. It will be given by our headmaster, who will tell us the reasonsfor launching the campaign. Besides, he will talk about various activitiesto be carried out which are aimed at raising students awarenessof savingI think the lecture can help us have a better understanding of the campaignand form the habit of saving.i do hope you can join me. Please write back soonYours.Li hua亮点梳理】本文开篇点明写邮件的目的,接着详细介绍了此次讲座的相关情况,最后表达期望,内容完整,语勺流畅,同时使用了亮点词汇和句子。亮点词汇:atnd, launch, carry out, be aimed at, raIse one'sawareness of, have a better understanding of =o亮点句式:①非限制性定语从句 who will tell us the reasons forlaunching the campaign②强调句 i do hope you can join me


【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。研究发现月球上可能有足够的水分和气体来构成其大气层28.C【解析】理解具体信息。根据文章第一段 Scientistsreported their findings after researching hohow much lavawould have erupted on the lunar surface可知,研究人员是通过计算月球上的岩浆数量来得出的结论。故选C项29.A【解析】理解具体信息。根据文章第三段Mars,however, has just a third of the atmosphere it usedresearcch says thehe planet lost most of its gas tospace, which played a role inthat worrld turning from awarm and wet place into a dry and cold one可知,火星又冷又干是由于失去其大部分气体。故选A项30.D【解析】作出判断推理。根据文章最后一段Theexplorers may have to use the resources available onle moon and having more information about thewater's origin could guide them可知,此项研究对探月31.C【解析】理解主旨要义。本文介绍了研究发现月球是有帮助的。故选D项。上的火山喷发出的水和气体可能在月球上形成比现在要厚的大气层。故选C项。

