

故存21.(1)f(x)=x2-2alnx+4的定义域(0,1)=2-22分23分递增区间为(1,∽)(x)<0.0x<1,f)递减区为(0所以f(x)递增区间为(1,+∞),f(x)递区回为(0,1)5分(2)x(2)-()=4-x2-2linx+4-46分因为g(1)2>0,所以只需证明在1,]上满足7分七恒成立在[11]上遵减与9分②当1 0,x∈(aE),g(x)递增,g(x)m=g(a)=1a(1-1ma)>0所以1 0,满足题意11分综上所述,a∈(-∞,e)由曲线12分


本文是议论文。文章讨论了万圣节南瓜是否可以吃的问题24.A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的 The Howden pumpkin- the most common variety fordecorative uses- has been produced for its size, shape, color and having a handle-likestem for easy carrying可知, Howden pumpkin非常适合制作万圣节南瓜灯25.C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的 You could puree your pumpkin… using the puree forbaking…,和第四段中的Now, admittedly, eating your Halloween pumpkin this way meansnot carving it可知,在第三段中 Kammler告诉 The salt应该如何烹制未雕刻的南瓜。26.A。推理判断题。根据第五段中美国食品药品监督管理局的发言人 Lauren Sucher所说的They may have been left outside for days and exposed to dirt and insects, and possibly waxand smoke, But we recommend that consumers who want to use their pumpkins for foodset aside some parts可以推知,他们不支持食用雕刻过的万圣节南瓜。27.D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的 Donate your pumpkin to compost at your localfarmers' market和it' s helping crops grow可知,人们可以把不想要的南瓜送给农场作肥料。

