

One possible versionSeveral minutes later, the ice broke suddenly and Harry's feet sank into the water. It was noep, but his legs got wet to the knees. Harry was so upset that the accident would delay hisschedule. He had to find some firewood to build a fire to dry his clothes. He pulled off his glovestook out his matches, and lighted the fire. Seeing the burning fire, he had thought he was safe. Butsuddenly, without warming, a heavy mass of snow dropped down. The flame of hope was put outUnluckily, his dog ran away and the fear of death came over Harry. He had no choice but torun to save himself. However, he did not feel his feet when they hit the ground. Having falleneveral times, he decided to rest a while. As he lay in the snow, he noticed he was not shaking. Hecould not feel his nose or fingers or feet. A feeling of horror came into his mind. It was when herealized he was going to die that he heard a bark and the noise his friends made


代入数据得PB=20W(1分)25.解:(1)设释放金属棒Q瞬间的加速度为a,对物体M:Mg-T=Ma(1分)对金属棒Q:T-mgin0=ma(1分)整理得a=M- mosin(1分)代入数据得a=2.5m/s2(1分)(2)当金属棒Q速度达到最大时,对物块M:T=Mg(1分)对金属棒Q: nisin30°+ILB=T(1分)由法拉第电磁感应定律得E=BLv(1分)由欧姆定律得Ⅰ(1分)整理得v=20M-10(1分)(3)对两棒受力分析可知,在任一时刻对P棒: nisin0F=ma1(1分)对Q棒:F- mosin0-F安=ma2(1分)解得a1=a2(1分)即在任一时刻两棒的速度、加速度、位移总是大小相等方向相反,同时达到匀速直线运动状态,此时的速度最大设金属棒P的最大速度为v1,此过程通过的位移为s,则电路中的总电动势电路中的总电流:l2P(1分)对P棒:msin30°=I,LB,解得=5m/s(1分)由动能定理得F+W=2×m02(1分)而Q=一W安,解得s=2.54m(1分)从静止释放到P刚开始匀速运动的过程中,流过P棒的电量:q=1△(1分)其中/、其中2R△④世利兰△=2BLS(1分)解得q=BS1分)代入数据解得

